Only engineers could argue this vociferously and extendedly with such passion over an arcane point about which no one else in the world could give a <expletive, deleted>. Gotta love us!
So, a lawyer, a priest, and an engineer are sentenced to die on the guillotine. The lawyer is led up to the device first. His head is placed on the block and the executioner pulls the rope, but nothing happens. The lawyer exclaims "To kill me now would be a case of double jeopardy. You cannot execute me!" The executioner reluctantly agrees and the lawyer is set free.
Next, the priest is brought up on the platform and put into place. Once more, the executioner pulls the rope and the blade does not come down. The priest cries out, "This is clearly a case of divine intervention. To execute me now would go against the will of God!" Again, the executioner relents and the priest is freed.
Next, the engineer is led up to the guillotine, but before he could be laid on the rack he looks up at the blade and exclaims, "Wait a minute! I think I see the problem..."
Lighten up, it's Friday!