... There is no "forward" and "backward". Our assignment of these designations is the whole problem. AC is b-directional and there is no "correct" direction. Each voltage can be used with either direction providing providing a positive "push of force". ...
Actually there is direction. At any given instance, the pulse is pushing in one direction only - never in both directions. Using peak and trough; At the 240V peak the push is from one end of the winding uniformly to the other end of the winding. Presuming that A is the instantaneous source then the push is flowing from A through N to B. At the trough then the push is flowing from B through N to A.
The correct reading on the oscilloscope is the distance between the curves yields the magnitude (peaking at |240V|) and the relative position of the lines at any given instance yields the polarity aka direction of the power flow.