Why no PDF?

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Yep. It was easy to crack their locked .PDFs, then sell copies on Ebay for $5 each.

I'm surprised no one has taken a loose-leaf, ran it though a copy machine and digitized each page, then ran them through OCR to compile a PDF.
Yep. It was easy to crack their locked .PDFs, then sell copies on Ebay for $5 each.

I'm surprised no one has taken a loose-leaf, ran it though a copy machine and digitized each page, then ran them through OCR to compile a PDF.

It'll happen lol.
Yes, as I am sure many of the PDFs were shared with others. And NFPA, like everyone else (even our car wash) has gone to a subscription model.
Its available as a subscription, but you need internet access.
You can always cut the spine off and scan in the paper copy, that probably is a copy right violation
Yep. It was easy to crack their locked .PDFs, then sell copies on Ebay for $5 each.

I'm surprised no one has taken a loose-leaf, ran it though a copy machine and digitized each page, then ran them through OCR to compile a PDF.

I've been looking but I have yet to see one on Ebay.
Its available as a subscription, but you need internet access.
You can always cut the spine off and scan in the paper copy, that probably is a copy right violation
Not a copy right violation to make a PDF of a book or other document that you have purchased. You can even legally share your PDF with others as long as they own a hard copy. I sent one out to a company to have it scanned. It came out ok, but on the gray side because of the thinness of the paper. The OCR was ok, but there are typos from the OCR.
My wife kindly took my 2020 code book to get it scanned at office max and they refused.:mad:
I am often in rural areas with no internet. Its a real bummer to not have a PDF.
I ordered the loose leaf for scanning to PDF.
I am worried about bleed through from the other side of the page with the thin paper.

Like I said in the other thread, This will be the most pirated version of the NEC, since there is no PDF offered this cycle.

I wish there was a loose leaf handbook.
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