Wild animal/pests etc.. .contract clause

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brantmacga said:
I think in most cases it would be understood, but I know somewhere there's that one customer waiting to call me who doesn't care what dangers are lurking under his house. a contract is a contract to them. I'm going to have something written into mine about animals and other harmful things at the jobsite.

Sorry 'bout thread jacking this into the snake world - but wouldn't bats be pretty easy to get rid of? Say hanging a few drop lights in there for a day or two - or say playing Slayer really loud for a few days - it drove Noriega nuts in Panama.....

The only time Ive had to deal with any kind of wildlife was when I Was adding an exhaust fan in my brother in laws house in Florida. I opened the hatch to go into the attic, hopped up in got about 3 feet and came face to face with the biggest spider I had ever seen. At first I thought it was fake, and maybe it was put there to scare me but oh no it was real.... normnaly spiders and bugs dont bother me but this thing was massive, I could see all its eyes.. I went back down and waited untill he moved on a few hours later...... Yuk... It was like the creature that was put on captain kirk's wound when he go bit from the Amougatou creature
Did a job years back, in a old house with the thick, black romex. Had a guy in the crawl space running wire, when he noticed what he thought was another peice of that old romex. (we had already gutted all the old wireing)

He grabbed it, and it wrapped itself around his arm. It was a black snake.

Upstairs, all we heard was an absolutely blood-curdling scream....


The one good thing about living in the frozen hell that Northern Wi. can be is that we have nothing dangerously poisonous living here.All the creepy crawly stuff we do have is too cold to move for six monthes of the year. I spent a couple of years in Northern Fla. though, and it left me forever snake conscious. I started writing this at 10:00 last night . While sitting here my wife came into my office and informed me there was some critter in the fan in the bathroom in our bedroom. When I went to investigate I could here the little devil in there. We went up to our attic where the exhaust pipe runs across the attic for 25 feet, poked at it and heard and watched as it ran out. A few minutes latter we could hear him in there again. It was time for action!I got my pellet rifle, cut open the plastic tubing and moved the end so I would have a shot when he came scurrying out. Paula headed back to the bathroom to start the rodent drive. As soon as she started banging on the fan housing I watched it run through the tube but it stopped at the edge of the opening. I could see just a small bit of grey so I took a bead and fired. It appeared to drop. Nothing moved. We watched for a few moments and then using the end of the rifle barrel I tryed to lift the tube end and have a look. As soon as I did this the critter went scampering back to the bathroom fixture. No amount of banging would now get him to leave that sanctuary ,so we discussed "smoking" him out. My wife suggested hairspray as a motivater and I told her to go give it a blast up into the fan housing. This caused all hell to break loose inside the housing but he would not exit. I had her give it another big blast and after a minute or so everything went quiet.10 minutes latter I disassembled the housing and removed a dead starling!! I have always been a little afraid of my wife but now knowing that she has been breathing that stuff for years and it hasn't killed her leaves me afraid. Very afraid!!:D
iaov said:
I have always been a little afraid of my wife but now knowing that she has been breathing that stuff for years and it hasn't killed her leaves me afraid. Very afraid!!:grin:

"If it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger"

Your fear is justified. ;)
I got stung by a yellow jacket on the inside of my lip once taking a drink out of a beer can. I hate those devils. I carry a couple of cans of hornet and wasp spray in the truck and will be adding hair spray too!!:D
Love this thread! Just have to add another story, has nothing to do with work.
This happened to a friend of mine. We grew up in a small mining town in North Idaho. Lots of tunnels and shafts in the mountains, some not very deep or very long. He found one, it was almost completely caved in near the portal. He dug it out enough to crawl in, and then proceeded into the tunnel to its end - maybe 30'. Enough sun light came thru so he could see a little. On the way out, with the back "ceiling" inches from his face he could see someting up in a wedge shaped crack where the loose rock had fallen out. Thinking some old time miner hid his poke up there, and riches beyond his imagination were just waiting for him, but he could not reach it. He crawled out, got a long stick, went back in, then laying on his back he stuck the end of that stick up to the poke, and down it came. A ball of thousands of Daddy Long Leg spiders fell on his chest, they covered his face, his whole body, and they were scurrying all over him.
Now, he lived in a hard rock mining town. Miners are tough, their kids are tough, even the girls are tough, but especially the boys. But sometimes being tough just ain't enough. He screamed, thrashed about, skinned up his face and bare arms on the sharp rock, made a deposit in his shorts - and spread it about. He finally got out in the sunshine, crying, removed his clothes, and the spiders, cleaned himself up with some leaves, and went home.
Mom and Dad wanted to know what the h*** did you do! You stink like s***, - plus his dirty clothes and cuts and bloody arms and face. They made him take his clothes off so they could clean him with a water hose, out in the yard - can't let that boy in the house. Well, he got yelled at again for leaving those messy shorts out in the woods, he had to go back and get them and clean them all up before his mom would wash them.
A fewyears ago, we showed up at a house for a service change/upgrade. Just as we were unloading our tools from the van, we noticed that there were a lot of yellow jackets buzzing around. Upon closer investigation, they were entering/exiting the outside wall of the house right behind the meter box that we were about to change out! :confused:

Needless to say, we quickly packed up our tools and informed the lady that those critters needed to be exterminated before we could do the upgrade.

Took her about 6 weeks to get rid of `em.
hey guys, by the way, the heat has returned to the south, which means so have the wasps. make sure you're stocked up on wasp & hornet killer. i got chased out of a little blue house yesterday by a wasp.

speaking of flying things, here's another story about them.

last summer i was mowing around the farm w/ the bush hog as i often do. i got to an open area beside the grain bins and after a couple of rounds i felt this throbbing on the back of my neck. when i got to the end of that round, as i spun the tractor to make another pass, i noticed what must have been a thousand bumble bees swarming towards me. being that i am seriously alergic to all things insect, i dove off the tractor and went running for cover. i pulled at the fuel cutoff knob on my way down and hoped to God I got it all the way out. the tractor kept rolling and was headed straight for a diesel fuel tank, and thankfully about 50 ft before it got there it died. my granddaddy pushed up a tree a couple of years ago full of bumble bees and ended up in the hospital for a few days. bumble bees don't have barbed stingers and can repeatedly sting you.
We were working in snake country one time and had a guy on the crew that was deathly afraid of snakes. As we were walking around the job one day, I looked down to see a black sheath from the romex laying there and I reached down and grabbed it and threw it at him and yelled SNAKE! I just meant it to bounce off of his chest and hit the ground, but instead it wrapped it's self around his neck. Tough guy, girl scream. He wouldn't talk to me for a week after that.:D
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