Will I be able to gain employment?

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Orange County
Hello, this is my first question. Hopefully not my last.
Well I have been accepted into the ABC electrician apprenticeship program but I'm thinking there may be a problem. About seven years ago I went through a drunk period in my life. Over the period of about 1 1/2 years I was arrested a few times for public intoxication and the for my finale I was then arrested for DUI. As I said I have passed the test and had my interview with Associated Builders & Contractors but now is there any way in hell somebody will hire me. I have been dispatched to a really great company and have an interview on Monday but I am worried they will probably pass me by. Do you think arrests are going to make me unemployable?
Why can a man be arrested for drunk driving two times and be elected President but my life may be ruined?:smile:
I know one of the steps to rehabilitation is admitting you have a problem. It seems you have done that, and hopefully you're well past that step now. If you can demonstrate that you've been 'clean and sober', and have been for several yars, I don't think you'll have much problem. Just be open and honest.
You have an uphill battle, but not an impossible battle. You are going to have to compensate with other positive attributes to prove your worth. This means that you are going to have to go above and beyond what some others may have to do for the same benefit. Do everything you can to stand out as a leader, educate yourself, and simply make the extra effort everytime, all the time.

Good Luck.
Wannabee said:
Hello, this is my first question. Hopefully not my last.
Well I have been accepted into the ABC electrician apprenticeship program but I'm thinking there may be a problem. About seven years ago I went through a drunk period in my life. Over the period of about 1 1/2 years I was arrested a few times for public intoxication and the for my finale I was then arrested for DUI. As I said I have passed the test and had my interview with Associated Builders & Contractors but now is there any way in hell somebody will hire me. I have been dispatched to a really great company and have an interview on Monday but I am worried they will probably pass me by. Do you think arrests are going to make me unemployable?
Why can a man be arrested for drunk driving two times and be elected President but my life may be ruined?:smile:

As an employeer, if someone applied for employment, and he was active in a help group such as AA, i would be more then intrested, in considering them for employment.
Wannabee said:
Hello, this is my first question. Hopefully not my last.
Well I have been accepted into the ABC electrician apprenticeship program but I'm thinking there may be a problem. About seven years ago I went through a drunk period in my life. Over the period of about 1 1/2 years I was arrested a few times for public intoxication and the for my finale I was then arrested for DUI. As I said I have passed the test and had my interview with Associated Builders & Contractors but now is there any way in hell somebody will hire me. I have been dispatched to a really great company and have an interview on Monday but I am worried they will probably pass me by. Do you think arrests are going to make me unemployable?
Why can a man be arrested for drunk driving two times and be elected President but my life may be ruined?:smile:

Don't think for a moment the prospective employer is going to be able to, or even interested in obtaining information on your past medical or criminal record. Even if a disclaimer on your application states that witholding information may result in immediate termination, when you're working for an ABC contractor, or any other non-union contractor, you can be terminated at any time for absolutely no reason whatsoever anyway.

As for this diddy:

You have an uphill battle, but not an impossible battle. You are going to have to compensate with other positive attributes to prove your worth. This means that you are going to have to go above and beyond what some others may have to do for the same benefit. Do everything you can to stand out as a leader, educate yourself, and simply make the extra effort everytime, all the time.

Good Luck.

This is a insight to what you're typically going to face from your ABC employer(s) whenever you expose ANY percieved "flaw" or weakness they can profit from. They're vultures. Notice, the "solution" offered to you is to work harder, better and be more efficient and profitable to your employer in order to make up for your past "sins" which did not involve them in the slightest?

Notice how your past problem, as long as it STAYS in the past will be used to the contractor's benefit? Now will someone please explain the logic behind telling a recovering alcoholic that it's all fine and good IF they "make an extra effort everytime?"
I don't think you will have too much to worry about so don't be so down on yourself. Your nervisness about this could hurt your chances more. I would not say anything about it unless directly asked (and I don't mean general questions like what have you done in the last 5 years). If asked about a driving or criminal history say yes I did this, it was a big mistake, I paid the price, did this to turn my life around, and am a better person now.

You did not say if you have a valid drivers license without any restrictions (besides glasses). No DL can hurt any trade persons value unless the work allways at the same location (factory). Not saying the don't get hired. More often it's a journeyman that is teamed up with an apprentace that drives.

Also remember as a new employee that is unskilled and good working attitude can go a long way. Things like allways showing up to work, be early, try to keep busy or ask for a task if you have nothing to do mean alot.

Good luck
You have an interview, be sure to ask them what they liked about your work History. Your own presuits have brought you this far, don't start holding back our own commitment to your choice of vocation. No one can
fault you now, right. Everyone got some history, some just look better on paper, GO for IT, DUDE ...

Right to Work, Yes Right to Fire. I beleive to many work under this condition, that said be sure to have all your dates for correct presentation of all your personall matters. As said, that alone can get you axed. I heard of such a case where someone forgot to document an even lesser offense and got scrubbed pre-interview.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
.... when you're working for an ABC contractor, or any other non-union contractor, you can be terminated at any time for absolutely no reason whatsoever anyway.

The same holds true for union contractors....hell, the construction industry in general.
Wannabee said:
Why can a man be arrested for drunk driving two times and be elected President but my life may be ruined?:smile:

Answer: The man probably had a family with a lot of money.

On a more serious note. How can someone be sure that part of your life is over? It is up to you to convince the person and make good on your promise to go the right path. Good luck !!!
THe guy who does our hiring and firing pulls backround checks on everybody. That being said, you could have killed somebody but if you've behaved 2 years and give a good interview you are good to go. As far as being the green guy on the block the best thing you could do the first six mos is be twenty minutes early and ready to rock and hustle, hustle, hustle!!!
Have a long-time friend that just got a job with the city here a few months ago. He went through about the same thing as you did, except two DUI's in one month. Rehab was part of his sentencing, which turned him around dramatically. He started going to NA and AA and has been clean for two years now. He told me the city did do a background check on him and found out that he has been going to both NA and AA. They still hired him, actually chose him over other people because of it.

On the other hand the chemical industrial plant here, the application probably wouldn't even get past the receptionist. Considering the level of danger and risks involved that they can't take any chances.

I know personally I wouldn't hold it against someone, if they have proven to themselves that they can turn their life around. Can't say I was an angel during my college years.
Be well groomed, take a caffeine pill, chase it down with a monster energy drink. Be honest, be honest, be honest, be honest. Ask questions like on average how long will it take an apprentice to start running work, or being a lead man? Ask if they have overtime and ask if the apprentices can work it. How does your training program work. Would you help me with the tuition of the ABC apprentice ship program? Sit down make a list of questions to ask at the interview. Walk in with a nice flip folder with other sheets in it and other business cards in the folder (Makes it look like you been to other places). Take it serous. They will find out about your past. If they don't catch it and find out about it later, union or non-union they can get rid of you. That being sad I know multiple apprentices that worked for company XYZ and after 3 months of work called company "You trainem will takem" for employment and make $2/hr more, But never burn your bridges. You may want to cross those bridges in the future.

Good Luck
Congrats on turning your life around :cool: :cool:

Just be honest with your answers to there questions and you'll do fine.
If they choose not to hire you that's there loss and your gain, because maybe working for that contractor was not meant to be and maybe this will allow you to find a better contractor to work for.
Just because one door closes doesn't mean another won't open up.
A lack of a drivers licence aside, I think some employers may see this as a plus. How many guys do they have working for them now that come in hung-over, call out frequently, etc.

My employer does. Provided I don't drink, and don't die :D , Sept 6 will be 6 years sober for me.
Wannabee said:
I have been dispatched to a really great company and have an interview on Monday but I am worried they will probably pass me by. Do you think arrests are going to make me unemployable?

No, I don't think that past arrest will make you unemployable. This still doesn't mean that you will get this job, that will depend on the number of people that are applying for the job and how many people they need ( they will select the best to meet their needs from those that apply ).

If you don't get this one then keep trying, there is not a single person on this forum that would be guaranteed a job if applying tomorrow. Some people will stand a better chance because of experience, physical condition, training and past performance but know one would be assured a job.

When looking for work set your sights on getting a job and don't set yourself up for a big let down if you don't get the very job that you want. Try reading " Winning Through Intimidation " by Robert Ringer, this book has been around for a while and the author explains how things work in the real world. If you don't learn anything at least you will get a good laugh. :roll:
I doubt you are unemployable. There is a serious lack of acceptable candidates for many skill type positions these days. You may not be acceptable to a few places, but someone will take you on if your other attributes are OK.

The only thing that might make you unemployable is if you have no DL or it is so restricted that it makes you worthless to the company.

I know of a company that is trying to hire 30 people for some factory jobs. Good jobs, good benefits (much better than I get), good pay (up to $20/hour depending on skills and expereince). It is a union shop so that may be hurting their recruitment efforts some, but they have only been able to find about ten acceptable candidates, even though they are willing to take people without experience (but with some basic skills) and train them. I am told they have already had several of the new hires quit.

Basic requirements - high school, pass drug test, some mechanical skills (blueprint reading, measuring, use of common shop tools, etc.). One would think it would not be all that hard to find people with that minimal level of skill sets willing to work an entry level job for $15/hour with relatively easy advancement to $20+.
you mean there are people in constuction that havent been arrested??:grin:

no seriously though everybody has done stupid stuff when they were younger some more so than others. doesent mean your a bad guy or wont work. kinda reminds me of this guy i worked with a few years back, drank from the time we got off till he passed out. but that being said he was the one waking everbody up at 5 am ready to go. and i never did see anyone that could keep up with him on the job.

i guess what im trying to say is work hard do good work and dont come to work all #$%@ed up, what you do off the clock is up to you. good luck
I have and still do employ lots of alcoholics, some of them still practicing. They don’t get a company truck, they don’t get the benefit of the doubt, and one missed day because of brown bottle flue and they are history. However once they have proven themselves then they get a little more rope.

Two of my better foremen are outright alcoholics, but they don’t drink on the job (as far as I know) and they get the job done and get it done fast. Sure I wished they did not drink so much, I would even pay their full wages while they went to rehab if they wanted me too, but I am not their daddy and what they do on their off time is their business.

These two are an exception to my rule they both have trucks too, and their insurance kills me but they get enough production done on their crews to justify their added expense. This is business and leadership is a commodity, so sometimes for the right people you take the bad with the good.

I do fire on the spot anyone smelling like alcohol.

For what it is worth I have a few stoners too, but I draw the line if I think they are using crack or heroine.
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Just be persistant, let him know that you are serious about it. But keep in mind youll probably be on a short leash ......oh and leave your cell phone off during work hours and dont be the guy with his hands in his pockets. Good luck man ...I beileve you can do it :wink:
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