Window AC fire hazard

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Senior Member
Re: Window AC fire hazard

Yeah, you know what I was thinkin'. I really don't like bake-o-lite either. And it's not even that it'll crumble. It just doesn't have a good feel to it. It can take the heat though.

I think though it's kind of appearant that the only thing plastic really brings to the table is near negative production cost. It ain't a good material choice. But there's a lot of different types and grades too. UL and whoever else seem happy with the failure rate. It really bugs me when I see just basically inferior stuff with UL approvals. How do you respect an outfit that's supposed to be all about safety but approves stuff like this Leviton switch I'm looking at on my desk. Because I had to take it out of an installation less than six monthes old because it, like about 20% of it's buddies, failed. As an attribute of their construction.

I'm just kidding Amptech, but it's kind a funny that you'd consider that good ol workhorse to be the bad guy when it's the receptacle that didn't want to work. :D


Senior Member
Re: Window AC fire hazard

Amptech, I hope you billed someone for this call back...........warranties don't cover abuse and misuse!
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