wine cooler control

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something that wasn't intended to cool to below freezing temps probably doesn't have a defrost heater. Antifog heater on a glass door maybe - but those typically run all the time anyway.

It is for the cooling coil. You need to cool the air that is colder than the box temperature.
The heating elements in a space heater doesn't stay cool to touch even though you don't intend to heat the room much above 70, does it?
Misread OP

In that case I'd guess 1. freon leak 2. iced up coil (bad defrost heater or low freon) 3. defrost heater staying on all the time; bad controller 4. door's open ;)

If it's half modern it might just be a bad circuit board.
You forgot the easiest problem to fix, which I have mentioned earlier - clean the condenser coil.
It is for the cooling coil. You need to cool the air that is colder than the box temperature.
The heating elements in a space heater doesn't stay cool to touch even though you don't intend to heat the room much above 70, does it?
All depends on design of the unit. Many "coolers" that never were intended to operate below about 40 degF do not have defrost heaters, air passing over the coil will be above freezing and keep it from frosting over. We don't have defrost heaters on a typical air conditioning unit either - that usually has even warmer air passing over the coil.

If it does frost over and plug the evaporator with ice - it may run fairly continuously but never chill the interior as much as it should. The other problem that can happen that you need low pressure cut out for would be if the liquid never evaporates and makes it all the way back to the compressor. My understanding is scroll compressors can take pumping some liquid - but reciprocating compressors will likely will end up being junk if they try to pass any liquid.
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