Wire deterioration

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The reason the items in question are irrelevant, is because I took them out of the equation. The motor was pulled and placed in our recycle area, where I saved it for my own testing.
The reason the items in question are irrelevant, is because I took them out of the equation. The motor was pulled and placed in our recycle area, where I saved it for my own testing.
For your own testing, the simplest test for a turn-to-turn short is to look at the impedance at 60Hz. If one winding is significantly lower than the others and it meggers out okay, it is a strong indication of a shorted turn.
Another indication is if the same fuse always blows first, followed by the others as the motor single phases.
The reason the items in question are irrelevant, is because I took them out of the equation. The motor was pulled and placed in our recycle area, where I saved it for my own testing.
So does that mean you replaced the motor in question and the new one doesn't have the same issues? Otherwise instead of finding the problem it sounds like you are just throwing parts at the problem until one of them makes the problem go away.

Wanting to know more about the motor itself and details of when/how fuses are blowing can give us a clue of what the real issue may be.

If the motor blows a fuse nearly instantly - we likely have a short circuit or ground fault- and may or may not be in the motor windings, if fuse blow after long time of operation - there may not be anything wrong with the motor - it may just have too much load on it.

Since you are so certain you eliminated all irrelevant information you must already know the answers to your questions as well, so why ask them? Somebody tells me they have fuses blowing first thing I am doing is asking questions about conditions leading to the event as well as finding out some general information of what the fuse is supplying.
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