Wire insulation temperature VS. Termination temperature (Again)

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Because it doesn't say that - it only says when 75°C conductors may be used. It says nothing about using 60°C at their own rating.
We're not getting anywhere. Let me recap from my point of view...

Carultch linked to the Schneider bulletin by Jim Pauley that agrees with me (or rather the other way around given authority entities and all). You say you've had one on one discussions with him and he has conceded to your point of view. We were not privy to that discussion, and I'm not saying you are lying, but it is not documented.

I linked to the Cooper Bussman page from their catalog which also agrees.

Then I linked to two UL Marking and Application Guides which [effectively] state the same.

I can see you are adamant in your position, so it's probably best to agree to disagree and move on. Perhaps one day before we die, something will stimulate a thought in our heads, we'll chuckle and think "He was right."
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