Wire Pro Residential

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about the only new residential I do is large custom directly for the owner. Most of the time I will meet with them and explain that the way that works best for me is to price to code minimums but include all known equipment.
Then I give them a unit price for adds. I tell them we will set all boxes then schedule a meeting before any wire is pulled to discuss additional outlets cans etc. The home owners seem to have a better grasp of what they are looking at in the real world VS on paper
I do drawings on some jobs for customers. I include it in the price and make sure the customer knows that's included.

But the main reason I do a drawing is for my employees. I layout a job the way I want it wired. I layout each circuit, this eventually becomes as built drawings on commercial jobs.

This may sound harsh but I do it so my guys don't waste hours and hours thinking about the layout on a job. They know exactly what needs to be run on each circuit.
well i tried it. i don't like the controls for drawing. i've been using this program for a year or so now. it wasn't designed for the electrician, but i can do basic layouts and nice designs.
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