Wire to ground rod cut

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aline said:
I asked the power company about allowing me to pull a meter in an emergency situation. They told me under no circumstances was I ever allowed to pull their meter or I would be fined and my licence would be taken away.
Yeah, you really need to look into that thoroughly for yourself. You'll be surprised what the real story is. That's about all I can say without getting this post deleted.
I had to troubleshoot a similar problem. Went through most of the steps as others. Loadcenter had a neutral bar on each side. Where the factory connected them together was never tightened. Seems like I've seem notices with loadcenters about screws coming loose in shipping.
-marty said:
I had to troubleshoot a similar problem. Went through most of the steps as others. Loadcenter had a neutral bar on each side. Where the factory connected them together was never tightened. Seems like I've seem notices with loadcenters about screws coming loose in shipping.
Oh, yeah. Square D is particularly famous for that. The neutral lug has a screw inside it (Torx, if I remember right) that bolts it to the neutral bar. That thing is famous for being loose and causing this problem. It becomes apparent when you try to tighten the lug's set screw a little bit, and the whole lug starts to turn a bit.
mdshunk said:
Yeah, you really need to look into that thoroughly for yourself. You'll be surprised what the real story is. That's about all I can say without getting this post deleted.
Legally I don't see how the power company can put a tag on a meter/main that I bought, that I installed, that I'm responsible for the repair and maintenance of and require me to have them come out and remove their tag so I can gain access to it. How can they keep me from accessing my own property? They own the meter and thats it. Everything else including the riser is mine. I feel if they're going to put their tags on my equipment, so I can't gain access to it when I want, then it should become their equipment and become their responsibility to maintain it.
aline said:
Legally I don't see how the power company can put a tag on a meter/main that I bought, that I installed, that I'm responsible for the repair and maintenance of and require me to have them come out and remove their tag so I can gain access to it.

You don't have to comply with any power company rules and in turn they don't have to provide you with electricity.

Rules like that are part of the terms of service and have certainly been approved by your areas public utility commission.
iwire said:
You don't have to comply with any power company rules and in turn they don't have to provide you with electricity.

Rules like that are part of the terms of service and have certainly been approved by your areas public utility commission.

Around here, the POCO owns and installs the meter can (residential)
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