wire type egc

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Senior Member
Northern illinois
I was looking for something the other day that I was unable to find.

I seem to recall there is a requirement that an EGC of the wire type be run from a hazardous area all the way back to the main or system bonding jumper.

I am unable to find this requirement now, so I am thinking maybe I imagined it.

Any thoughts where I might look? or did I imagine it?
I was looking for something the other day that I was unable to find.

I seem to recall there is a requirement that an EGC of the wire type be run from a hazardous area all the way back to the main or system bonding jumper.

I am unable to find this requirement now, so I am thinking maybe I imagined it.

Any thoughts where I might look? or did I imagine it?

250.100 Bonding in Hazardous (Classified) Locations.
Regardless of the voltage of the electrical system, the electrical continuity of non?current-carrying metal parts of equipment, raceways, and other enclosures in any hazardous (classified) location as defined in 500.5 shall be ensured by any of the bonding methods specified in 250.92(B)(2) through (B)(4). One or more of these bonding methods shall be used whether or not equipment grounding conductors of the wire type are installed.

Seems to indicate equipment grounding conductors of the wire type are not always required.
This is referrences a bonding requirement found in Section 501.30(A) and the parallel Sections in Article 502 and 503. It does not require a wire type EGC; rather it specifically prohibits certain otherwise acceptable methods of bonding. Section 250.100 referenced in the FPN/IN with its further reference to 250.92 (B) through (4) is actually redundant, since those requirements are already addressed in other NEC Sections (That’s why it’s an FPN/IN).

Personally, except for Class I, Division 1 and Class II, Division 1, Group E (specifically) I think these are overkill.
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