wireless 3-way switches

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Energy-Miser said:
Really? I could swear I had read somewhere in the NEC that every entrance to any room should have a light switch, but of course my memory leaves a lot to be desired!

Nope... check out 210.70 (2) (a) for garages, 210.70 (A)(1) for dwelling units.
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We use Insteon a lot. WAY better then X10. I've had no luck getting X10 to work. However, these are compatible with X10 should you wish to add them to that kind of setup. http://www.smarthome.com/_/INSTEON/_/23b/land.aspx Don't have to worry about having a master and slave. Just buy 2 switches and use the power on one side (3 wires coming off switch, black, white, red - switch leg). Power the first switch, power the second switch that has the switchleg at it and you're done. Just gotta get power to both switches. Or, I hear adding a occupancy sensor works too.
stickboy1375 said:
Nope... check out 210.70 (2) (a) for garages, 210.70 (A)(1) for dwelling units.
Yes but this one address the necessity of installing a switch-controlled light outlet, and does not address the switches as such.
Energy-Miser said:
Well the helper wired the outside lights on three way and left the garage (inside) lights on single pole.
Why not just re-wire them so the interior lighting uses the 3-ways?
growler said:
That's true if you can light two exits with lights controlled from the one switch.

Good catch there stickboy.

All I am saying is the switches dont have to be next to the door... I know it makes sense and most people pay to have them installed next to the door, but its not a code requirement.
Quick story, I did a small sunroom type addition, had two exit doors, at the front I installed a switch and outside fixture, at the back I did nothing, it led to a deck with low voltage lights on the post controlled by a photo cell, worked for me, but the inspector was not to pleased until I called him.
happy ending

happy ending

Thank you all for your suggestions. I particularly liked the idea of installing a motion sensor, and suggested it to the HO. He said that after thinking it over he decided to live with one switch, and did not mind it, but the catch was that I should install a switch for a ceiling fan he had in one of his upstairs bedrooms and he would call it even. Well it was a simple install and all parties are happy with the result, and I learned at least two new lessons: Leviton 6696 is worthless! and of course to supervise green helpers more closely.
Thanks again, E/M.
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