wires in panelboards

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Hey guys, just a quick question, when bringing wire into a sub panel to terminate branch ciruits, i have always been told that we don't use wire-nuts in the panel or do we leave spare wires in there without being terminated. I am having trouble finding this in the code book, can someone help? :confused:

peter d

Senior Member
New England
Re: wires in panelboards

Could you please clarify? It's hard to understand what you are asking.

There are no code rules that forbid wire connectors in a panelboard, and there are no code rules that require spare circuits to be run, if that's what you're getting at.


Re: wires in panelboards

clarification: what i am asking is if i bring one circuit to many in to the panel can i just leave it there without pulling it back out for maybe a spare if needed?


Senior Member
Re: wires in panelboards

I have left "spares" in many a panel. I tape them off, ID them, and *hope* the next time I'm at that site I can, at the very least, use them as a drag-line, at best it might save you some time running a new conduit.


Senior Member
Re: wires in panelboards

Here is what is not allowed. Someone help with the code reference.
You can not use a panel as a junction box.

Say a customer wants switches for lights that were once controlled by breakers.
You nipple out the side into a 4 gang box. Problem is, the once circuits are too short to become switchlegs and need to be extended into the newly installed 4 gang box to "become switchlegs". You are not permitted to use the panel to "extend" the wires to the new 4 gang box.

You would have to add an external JB and terminate these wires or conduits into this JB for extension.

Someone check me on this.


Senior Member
Re: wires in panelboards

312.8 Enclosures for Switches or Overcurrent Devices.
Enclosures for switches or overcurrent devices shall not be used as junction boxes, auxiliary gutters, or raceways for conductors feeding through or tapping off to other switches or overcurrent devices, unless adequate space for this purpose is provided. The conductors shall not fill the wiring space at any cross section to more than 40 percent of the cross-sectional area of the space, and the conductors, splices, and taps shall not fill the wiring space at any cross
section to more than 75 percent of the cross-ectional area of that space.

You are permitted to make splices in the panel enclosure, provided you follow the above code reference.


Senior Member
Northern illinois
Re: wires in panelboards

Originally posted by ryan_618:
I think it would be physically impossible to fill a panelboard to 75%. I don't think you could do it if you tried.
I have often thought that was a strange rule since I can't conceive of any case where you might even come close to doing it.
Re: wires in panelboards

Charlie from what I have read there are indeed some well informed persons here. I happen to know Pierre and was just having fun with him. Keep up the great work,I love this forum.

P.S. Pierre is handsome too...ha


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: wires in panelboards

Pierre, I'm sorry to be a part of this, you know embarrassing you and all, but my wife thinks you are mighty cute. :D

You are a mighty sharp person.



Senior Member
Re: wires in panelboards

OK Pierre, we want you to post your photo in your profile so we can all see how good looking you are. Go to "My Profile" to post it. You will already see Roger's, mine, and other's that have their photos there. Surely you have a digital photo. :D


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: wires in panelboards

Originally posted by hurk27:
Yep and you can see what kind of line Roger run's
(fishing line) :roll:
Surely you aren't jealous. :roll:

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