wires in panelboards

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Senior Member
Re: wires in panelboards

Thanks Mike! Wait til your next/last inspection :D

How does a German/Italian get a French name?

Don't ask.

How do we post pictures here? I actually have some amazing - good and bad photos - I would not mind sharing. Then I could show Ryan how it is not as hard as one would think to fill the gutter space to 110% :eek: .

[ March 24, 2005, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: pierre ]


Senior Member
Re: wires in panelboards

Go to "My Profile", select "Edit/View Your Profile & Newsletter Subscription". Somewhere towards the bottom, there will be instructions about how to insert a photo. Since I have one there, I only get the choice "Replace this picture."

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: wires in panelboards

I think Pierre (henceforth known an Handsome Stranger--you guys...) wanted to post pictures in threads.

Get an account at www.photobucket.com and upload your pictures there, then copy the "img" address from that site and paste it into your posts.
"[ing]picture location at other site[/ing]" is the way they look in the post as you're typing. :)


Staff member
Re: wires in panelboards

Originally posted by pierre:
I could show Ryan how it is not as hard as one would think to fill the gutter space to 110% :eek: .
Pierre I would be surprised if you have ever seen a panel gutter filled to even 40%

I measured the gutter space in my house's panel, it is conservatively 3.5" x 3.5"

At 40% fill I could install 270 12 AWG THHNs

Maybe I did it wrong :confused:

3.5" x 3.5" = 12.25 sq in x .4 = 4.9 sq in.

12 THHN has an area of .0181 sq in.

4.9 / .0181 = 270

[ March 27, 2005, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: iwire ]

peter d

Senior Member
New England
Re: wires in panelboards

Originally posted by iwire:

I measured the gutter space in my house's panel, it is conservatively 3.5" x 3.5"
Was the cover allready off? If it was, you truly have "the electricians house."


Staff member
Re: wires in panelboards

Originally posted by peter d:
Originally posted by iwire:

I measured the gutter space in my house's panel, it is conservatively 3.5" x 3.5"
Was the cover allready off? If it was, you truly have "the electricians house."
Uh...err...I...ah..invoke my 5th amendment rights on that question. ;)
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