Wireway size

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This must be the job you were asking about the big power dist. block for in the other thread? What are they using in there now for all those disconnect taps? Split bolts?
That's a good question, it is gasketed and under a porch (for the 2nd floor). Maybe it has a 3R rating with the gaskets?

possible, but most gasketed (only) I've seen are NEMA 12. In 3R application, gasket gets wet, cold weather freezes and sealing is gone.
3R normally has a lip to prevent water from entering that seam. The porch may remove the problem however.
I may not fully grasp your Plan "A" :); but could you build your 1000 amp service where the building meter is now, tap the building meter from the CT and extend your 1000 amp feeder to this existing wireway and keep all other existing as is ?

Now thats a picture that even I can see. :D
This must be the job you were asking about the big power dist. block for in the other thread?
Yes, it is.
What are they using in there now for all those disconnect taps? Split bolts?
The screws on that cover are very rusted, I was able to remove a small section cover on the far right, very rusted screws. I looked back in the gutter and could't see the connection.

Right now they have (6) conductors (4/0) from the 200-amp breakers and the conductors from the service-disconnect switch. Once we change from 3-phase to single-phase, I'll have (9) conductors (4/0) from the 200-amp breakers and conductors rated for 1,000-amps instead of the 600-amp (actually a little less on the calculated load) rating the connection should have now.

So I was looking for a connection method that will fit in that gutter and stay in compliance. It doesn't have to be a terminal block.
Ampacity adjustment factor (More than 30 CCC}

Ampacity adjustment factor (More than 30 CCC}

1000 amps service
Wireway more than 30CCC ampacity adjustment is require.
You will have 44 conductors if you make the tap inside of the wireway Ampacity Adjustment will apply!!!!
310.15 (B)(2)(a) - More than 41 conductors 35%
The 30 CCC refers to conductors in any cross-sectional area and not the wireway (Gutter) as a whole. By proper positioning of my terminal blocks, I coud feed the disconnects in such a manner that I would not exceed the 30 CCC in any one area.
If the bottom of the wireway is at 6'6" or less and the wireway is more than 6" deeper than the equipment, there is a 110.26(A) violation.
110.26 a 3

110.26 a 3

The requirements of 110.26(A)(3) allow, for example, a 12 inch by 12 inch wireway to be placed on the wall directly above a 6 inch-deep panelboard.
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