Wiring a 240v pool motor to a GFCI 2 pole breaker

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New member
taylors, sc, usa
I found this site googling this question, but the answers I saw were not clear to me AND over 10 years old.
Anyway, I replaced my pool motor (240v) and the breaker that the old motor was hooked up to. No problem with replacing the motor, but during replacing the 2 pole standard breaker with a GFCI breaker, I became confused. When I went to install the new breaker, I was going to connect the wires and expected 2 hots, a neutral and gnd. I realize that does not make sense, but the breaker has 2 load terminals and a neutral. I am assuming that the existing three wire (hot black, neutral white & ground bare copper (Romex type) were connected to; black - line side of 1 pole on the breaker, white connected to the other load side of the other pole and of course the ground to the bar in the panel. Then now with the GFCI white pigtail to the neutral bar. I was cautious to 'flip the switch' without asking some one with more knowledge than me!

Can anyone tell me if I'm being too cautious, if there is a thing! Or at least tell me how this works.

Thank you! And my wife thanks you too (so I don't blow something up! HA! Or kill myself)
Your understanding is both close and incomplete enough to get you into big trouble. And anything having to do with a pool is an enormous risk. You need the services of a licensed electrician on site.

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