wiring method

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iwire said:
I would be very surprised if Trevor's installations are not top notch.
wireman3736 said:
I know I haven't always done things right and probably never will, I do know that what I am doing I believe to be right.

I apologize to Trevor for the implication that his work is not top notch. I didn't mean to put down Trevor's work. I do know that everyone takes a short cut at one time or another.
Just as wireman3736 says you don't always know that you are making a mistake. Thus reason that I would prefer a more thorough inspector.
fracas666 said:
I apologize to Trevor for the implication that his work is not top notch. I didn't mean to put down Trevor's work. I do know that everyone takes a short cut at one time or another.
Just as wireman3736 says you don't always know that you are making a mistake. Thus reason that I would prefer a more thorough inspector.

Apology accepted. Actually I do not knowingly cut corners. We all make mistakes at times, but those things are human error. There are a lot of guys out there who deliberately cut corners to save money. I cringe when I'm forced to bid against them because many people simply go with the lowest bidder. Quality is not something that I will negotiate and some people still care about quality work. My biggest complaint about bad inspectors is that the guys who are doing crap work with loads of violations are getting drive by inspections and they continue to stay in business. I wouldn't call that a level playing field.

Then you have inspectors who don't know the code but are seemingly looking for something. (Look at the list in my first post). My point was having to choose between magnifying glass inspections and the ones that we typically have here I will choose the latter. At the end of the day if the house burns down it's not the inspector who will be held liable it's the guy who's name is on the permit.
iwire said:
Ron I would be very surprised if Trevor's installations are not top notch.

That said, if an inspector is on a mission they can always find some slight violations on anyones job.

I do not believe any electrician can always provide a perfect installation.

Thanks Bob for the kind words. I think that it's safe to say that those of us who dedicate a lot of time on this forum actually do care about quality. We also care a lot about the knowledge of this business. That's one of the reasons we are here. I personally have learned a vast number of things in the time that I've been here.
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