Wiring Photo Eye (PE) Sensors on Garage Door

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New member
Hello All,

I have no experience with with any electrical installation so excuse my stupid questions.

I want to install photo eye for a garage door. The power drive has only 4 connectors:

NEC Class 2

How will I connect it my PE?

I assume the circuit has registers that stores the last state.
Press button = going up (1st state)
Press again = stop (2nd state)
press again = go down (3rd state)

I am not sure when the light is tripped on the PE, on what states should be?
Case 1 = door going up and light is tripped/. What happens?
Case 2 = door going down and light is tripped. WHat happens here?

So my questions again are:
How to connect my PE to the drive and what "should" happen in case 1 and case 2?

Thank you a bunch,
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