Wiring split receptacles

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Those who install split receptacles in residential construction please reply. In wiring receptacles around a room where in some instances one receptacle on a yoke will be switched and the other hot, how do you handle the problem of over-filling the box? They will be on the same circuit.

The space requirement for two 12/2 NM cables coming in and two going out to the next split receptacle, plus the yoke, requires 24.75 cu.in. The boxes we have available here aren't quite that large. How do you handle this?

Thanks for sharing your experience.
I agree. Feed the switch and run 12/3 to the receptacles that need to be switched. I use 22 cu. in boxes. You can also use a 2 gang and just install a double duplex- one switched and the other hot.
I feed the switch first and then run 12-3 or 14-3 to the boxes and go back to 12-2 when i have reached the last 1 i am switching,

You do seem to have a problem in way your counting cubes
Looked right to me:
4 hots = 4 counts
4 neutrals = 4 counts
4 grounds = 1 count
1 yoke = 2 counts

11 counts x 2.25 cu in = 24.75 cu in.

AFTR: I agree with the 12/3 method

OK maybe i reading him wrong. I am understanding a 12-2 in and a 12-2 out for count of 7
4 sets of 12-2 would be 11. and a very strange way of wiring.
As suggested a 1900 or even better a 4 square 2 inches an mud ring would handle it easy but adding labor and material that not needed
I'd say he's got four 12-2s, a pair of constant hot/neutral (in and out) and a pair of switched hot/neutral (in and out).
Many thanks to all of you who gave such good suggestions. It's great that people are willing to help each other. A blessed Christmas to each of you.

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