Wood Chip Auger Bit Sharpener

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Re: Wood Chip Auger Bit Sharpener

One more drill safety lesson: be very careful gloves don't get caught in the bit. Happened to one guy I knew and he couldn't let go of the trigger either.

I guess you would expect it to just pull off the glove, but it didn't. It mangled his fingers pretty bad.


[ March 17, 2005, 09:29 AM: Message edited by: steve66 ]
Re: Wood Chip Auger Bit Sharpener

I have both a Milwaukee electric drill and a Husky air drill. If I am drilling a kazillion holes I go borrow so and so's 2 HP 240 volt air compressor. The air drill is a lot lighter particularly when drilling holes in ceiling beams - I have ankylosing spondylitis which means that lifting heavy stuff above my head stops my breathing. The air drill does not suddenly overtorque when a nail eater (R) drill bit hits a nail like with the electric Milwaukee.

Sure, the air compressor weighs more but it is the weight in the hand that counts. If the number of holes is limited I am better off using the Milwaukee. However, the Milwaukee does have a tendency to be like how concrete blocks are more like birth control blocks.
Re: Wood Chip Auger Bit Sharpener

mc5w sorry to hear your plight.I have cervical stenosis.Can`t bend my neck up anymore.So i feel for you brother :D So glad this site is here ;)
Re: Wood Chip Auger Bit Sharpener

I periodically have to gives my arms a chest walls a rest. The problem is not total positional asphyxiation but rather my chest muscles have to work harder.

Ankylosing Spondylitis is one of the few forms of arthritis that has been shown to be inherited. About 10% of the general population has it and it invariably strikes between the ages of 3 and 23 years. Henry Ford somehow knew this when he invented the 40 jour work week.

I have been able to lift 22 foot long 4x6 wood beams into the overhead position all by myself. Block and tackle and the right rigging did the job. There is a reason why block and tackle, forklift trucks, and so forth were invented. If you do some thinking and the right rigging you can make the job easy. Something that you learn in Boy Scouts so that the little guys can do some of the work.

[ March 27, 2005, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: mc5w ]
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