working clearance

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a picture might help. Is there any way with strut that you could turn meter 90 degrees and now meet 110.26. You are asking 1 inspector to overlook the findings of another. Not likely to happen unless both give in a little. By the book they have you.
I know its gray area and hard to fight ahj on this. Distance is from live parts and that 4 inches of glass or plastic is not live.

But live is live and grounded is grounded. Not to mention the meter has a lock on it that is not easy to get off.
I don't see why the inspector failed it other than because he can.
But live is live and grounded is grounded. Not to mention the meter has a lock on it that is not easy to get off.
I don't see why the inspector failed it other than because he can.

This is one of them times you hope the inspector is not after revinge and some are.
What we don't know here is when the fence went up. Also we must determine if the meter can itself is equipment. The can itself is in my opinion. The meter i am not sure of. NEC does not require the meter or can but if installed then it is electrical equipment. Are the parts inside the glass portion live ? I feel for any man that will loose hundreds of dollars over a few inches that will not make any differance to safety. I would take it over there heads if needed. Might still not win but gotta try
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