Working Saturdays

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iwire said:
I think the challenging part will be fixing what the other 'electrician' blew up, blanked off and ran from.:rolleyes:

In my experience it is easy to trouble shooting something that was working and then stoped. It is much harder trying to trouble shoot something that someone eles got 1/2 into and quit because they couldn't figure it now, I can never figure why they did what they did or what they were thinking.

Good luck, it doesn't sound to hard but you never know untill you get out there.
Now I should point out, that I don't like to work weekends...and we almost never schedule work for weekends...only emergencies...

Today, I spent time with my family and took my son on a hayride and to pick pumpkins. That's worth a lot of money to me. Someone would have to pay me a ton of money to give that up.

But, should one of our customers call me now with an emergency, I would go. And they would pay me a lot of money to get there...
well its Sunday and here I sit at the shop.The boys are out cleaning out trucks and I am faxing out a bid due at 10 AM monday so I guess I do work weekends,but so do the sons
I am monday thru friday except when on call but when I did construction it was anyday we could work so in winter time when work is slim we had enough cash to live on..unemployment only pays so much..can we add a poll to this thread on the issue...
iwire said:
I think the challenging part will be fixing what the other 'electrician' blew up, blanked off and ran from.:rolleyes:

Bob, Yeah it was definately a mess. He blanked off a few switches, tied all hots together and a noodle:-? ...

I made sure to show my customer what is wrong and why it was wrong. come to find out, the light didnt work in the bathroom because the hot and neutral were both tied to the hots. I just opened the blanks, unhooked everything, toned everything out and hooked it back up. And what do you know.. she has light. Hasnt had light in her bathroom for months so she said. I made more money today [sunday] then I will make all next week. The best part: She told me she has more stuff she wants me to do.

I work Wednesday to Monday. We can bring in $50k on a good weekend in the summer, so I'm here in the event something goes awry. I know they'd keep me here 7 days a week if they could, but Tuesdays are the least busy. The sad part is that my workload doesn't decrease in the winter...

Salery makes fools of us all.
bkludecke said:
qcroanoke. Sorry if I upset you. I don't think I'm a jerk (at least not for the reason you stated).:D

I was just trying to explain that I don't need a reason to fire an employee. Believe me when I say that I treat my employees very well. We are an independent shop in a small resort town. I pay my JWs north of $26/hr + 10days paid vacation/sick leave + 7 paid holidays + paid family health insurance + 40hrs holiday bonus check + a company truck to take home + all the hours they want to work. My JWs have been with me for 21yrs, 14yrs, and 12yrs. So you see I don't fire people very often, nor do they quit.

I'm good with that,no problem. i probably over reacted.
Peace to you too.
bkludecke said:
I pay my JWs north of $26/hr + 10days paid vacation/sick leave + 7 paid holidays + paid family health insurance + 40hrs holiday bonus check + a company truck to take home + all the hours they want to work.
You looking for help?
Rampage_Rick said:
I work Wednesday to Monday. We can bring in $50k on a good weekend in the summer, so I'm here in the event something goes awry. I know they'd keep me here 7 days a week if they could, but Tuesdays are the least busy. The sad part is that my workload doesn't decrease in the winter...

Salery makes fools of us all.

How many trucks on the road to generate $50k on a weekend? what type of work?
emahler said:
How many trucks on the road to generate $50k on a weekend? what type of work?
600 rounds of golf, 2 outdoor weddings, and all of our rental villas booked. On my end that will involve fixing a couple dead carts, running power for all the lighting and sound for the weddings, and helping people who can't operate the plasma TVs or hottubs. On a bad weekend you might throw in dead reefers or a total network crash.
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Rampage_Rick said:
600 rounds of golf, 2 outdoor weddings, and all of our rental villas booked. On my end that will involve fixing a couple dead carts, running power for all the lighting and sound for the weddings, and helping people who can't operate the plasma TVs or hottubs. On a bad weekend you might throw in dead reefers or a total network crash.

ok...maintenance electrician...i got it.

i was ready to start a service company in BC if I could make $50K in a weekend :D
I would never work for someone who REQUIRED weekend work.

I work 7-3 M-F and thats that- if one of my jobs needs more time on it I would rather work 10 hour days and still have my weekends free to enjoy what life is really about, friends and family.

My employer has asked me to work weekends before, if I have plans already made I will decline the offer, and if I do not have plans I will work it. However, the company respects me enough that this is not an issue either way. If they are in serious need I will do everything in my power to help them out.

I am doing new commericial construction so there are little needs for weekends anyway.
I've been through stages:

As an apprentice: almost strictly Monday through Friday. It was a two man show and it had to be extenuating circumstances for us to work on Saturday.

When I got my license, I occasionally worked Saturday's as side jobs because I was still working for my previous boss.

When I stopped working for my previous boss I started taking Mondays off and occasionally worked Saturdays for a customer's convenience.

Then for a while I was getting away with 10am-3pm three to four days a week.

Then my schedule was very erratic where I worked a bunch of small jobs whenever they came up. When larger jobs came up I would still work 10-3 or so but I would work everyday until Saturday or Sunday until I completed the work.

Then I started doing a little work for another member of this forum and started working Tues, Wed, Thurs for him, usually an 11 hour day.

After a month of that, I started working for him those days, but also working Friday and Saturday for some of my customers.

Now I'm starting to be productive on Monday's also, and Saturday has been a definite for the last month.
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