Adding to Bob's post.
The green transformers are fairly new around by us...they are energy efficient units. I have other pictures of them
showing the labels.
I also have a question as to the entry point, I will let you know when they open one for me.
The spacing from the wall meets the minimum distance required, it may be hard to see in the photo. Remember, the metal supports behind the transformers are 4 inch and the transformers sit another 2 inches in front of the supports.
The lug for the double neutral is listed for the install.
The conductors to the CBers are far from being too short.
The open panel in the top pic is real nice except 50% of the contractors I've worked for would not be impressed"
I am not too sure if they were trying to impress you. :wink:
Take a closer look, all of the transformers are bolted in place.
Fire caulking is being installed by the GC, not our issue.
The vent pipe has to be changed...there were only supposed to be 2 units stacked. The design was changed much later in the install process.
Other then that it looks pretty"
I would really hate to see when you have something to complain about. :grin:
I give the guys on this job a lot of credit. Changes galore, no time to install the changes and the new tenant of the building (the County) breathing down their backs. Engineers, designers throwing changes at them, even as I was inspecting.
As much as I have to take a close look, I still understand and remember what it is like to work in those types of environments.
And the rooms were packed...making it work is sometimes an artform.