You broke it!

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i went to a call house was forsale.
i,m in side doing my thing and i hear this
pop out goes the power. i went out side
the whole neighbor hood was headed my way...
turned out a squrrill had run down the line and jumped
on the trans and took out the pri fuse...
When I was about 12 years old I would fix radios for my relatives and neighbors. After replacing a power capacitor & a few tubes I ran next door with the radio and a bill for about $12. I slipped in the snow & cracked the plastic case. They made me replace the $20 case.:mad:

53 years later I still mess up but not so often!:D
Some years ago I did sosme work at a drive-in cinema, repairing a bad audio amp. After that repair, I took a look around the booth and noticed that the neon indicator for a lamphouse was out. I replaced it, and about ten minutes later was rewarded with a loud bang and a shower of sparks. Turns out the built-in resistor in the bayonet base socket had failed, thus letting the full 240 volts with no current limiting through to the NE-2 bulb.

The projectionist threw a fit, claiming that I blew it up on purpose.
mxslick said:
Turns out the built-in resistor in the bayonet base socket had failed, thus letting the full 240 volts with no current limiting through to the NE-2 bulb.
Sometimes, the resistor is built into the bulb, too. It's weird to see a resistor fail shorted.
ohm said:
Ever see an electrolytic capacitor explode? It's as loud as a gunshot and very messy!:)
Oh, yes. Electrolyte everywhere. The split can looks like an open pod from Alien.
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