You did what?

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Senior Member
I have made tons of them and will until I retire.And thats when I stop breathing.

Anyway the one that sticks out the most and probably the most expensive
when I first topped out about 30 years ago.

My boss sent Myself and my helper to repair a air compressor at a factory.

It was a fairly long metal bldg. we drove into the parking lot and seen the air compressor sitting under a shed. attached to the Bldg.Everyone had been sent home. So my helper and myself decided the starter contacts where burned bad enough to replace the size 1 , 3 pole starter.We made the repair and bypassed the two wire control circuit which was used to turn the compressor on from inside.

Good run like a new singer sewing machine.There where a few other minor repairs to be made to the wiring .Took about a half a day running and all.

When we got back to the shop it was fairly late the office personnel had already gone home.I was so proud my first real job had gone so good.

The next morning when I opened the shop door all the laughter just stopped all at once I knew something wasn't right.

The boss came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said did you get that compressor fixed? I said yes. He said well that burned out about a year ago and was out of service. The one you where suppose to repair was at the rear of the Bldg. That was unforgetful.

M. D.

Senior Member
You know those jack knife style Allen wrenches , .. well I stuck one into a live(thought it was dead) 400 amp breaker ,.. no PPE at all ,..well if cotton T-shirt, cotton jeans and a baseball hat count,.. I guess i was protected.

Well it went boom very ,..very..very loud. I was thrown or jumped about 5' back into a wall ,..could not see and was afraid to feel my face ,.. to my surprise I was not on fire and there was no metal embedded into my face. The guy I was working with ,my best friend ,thought he was going to find me dead,.. instead I was sitting on the floor shaking,.. I could not stop shaking... I sat on a loading dock for about 2 hours ..I still have the Allen wrench It serves as a good reminder.


Senior Member
I decided to do more residential and remodeling work in my old age. So I bought a 6' and a 3' flex bit for drilling and fishing. When I brought them home and showed my wife, I decided to show off a little. I offered to put in that receptacle outlet next to the bed she had wanted for the last 20 years.

I cut the hole for an old work box, went down in the basement and took the insulation out of the box end of the joists I figured I'd be in. I took the 6' bit, chucked it up, put it in the hole and drilled. I knew I didn't need that $15. tool for steering the bit, just a waste of money. I felt the bit drill about 4 inches, and then drop about a foot. Great. I did it. Wife watching.

I looked in the basement all over for that bit to pull the romex back up. No bit. Went back up stairs and pulled the bit up, let it drop down. I knew I was through the plate and sub floor. Where in the heck was the bit. Went back in the basement, no bit.

I took a trip outside. There it was. On the frozen dirt. Right through our brand new vinyl siding. I then drilled the hole correctly, and installed the receptacle. I fixed the hole in the siding with silicon. And then told my wife it was good to practice on our house. I wouldn't want to do that on a customers house. She gave me one of those looks while I went online to order the steering tool for flex bits.

Lots of others but this one wasn't long ago.


Senior Member
Newport, NC
I do not know where to begin or end. Every story I read made me remember something else i had burried in my subconscious. :grin:

Let's see...
Installing a new circuit to a live panel and fusing a ground wire to the bus bar.

I have yet to drill a water filled plumbing line, but I have hit a couple of pressure tested lines during a rough-in. Gotta love that wheezing sound of air as your bit comes to a stop.

I remember successfully avoiding that raised outdoor panel cover all day until the very end of the day and finally smacking it with the forehead. That is without a doubt the fastest I ever got knocked to the ground.

I turned on power to a new home and could not figure why the water heater was tripping until I realized I tied the WH leads together and my did the same to my circuit leads.

I am still waiting for the day I step through a ceiling from the attic.

I gotta tell this one because it is the most recent, but it was not me. I went install a set of speakers in our church office and my wire was borderline long enough,so I asked a friend to keep an eye on the wire so I would not pull the end up into the attic with me. All went well and I went to the sanctuary to do a sound check. On my way back down the hall I could just barely hear my helper talking. He was trying to tell me something back through the speakers. Through my laughter I had to remind him that they were speakers and not an intercom system. :smile:

But I think the craziest thing I did was to post installation pictures on Mike Holt's forum and ask for opinions. :grin: :grin:


Senior Member
Durham, NC
I frankly hate to see that posted, AS follows...

I frankly hate to see that posted, AS follows...

HaskinsElectric said:
Getting into this trade was the stupidest thing I've ever done. I really didn't have any adults in my life giving me guidance or advice...

I'd say you've already beat alot of odd's, that goes for you too C. Kennedy...
It's called a Vocation, some people understand what it is to be in a position to make a difference, to work toward an end. They might even grace their present company with some air of calm stabililty, these are the ones that project what needs to happen for events to follow. Be it a learned response and or training, be it experience, age, even trial and error.

Ya'll know what it takes.... comments like this just adds to some cured downward spiral!!!

I don't think that anyone here needs say that! OK MY OPINION!

Theres a difference between Stupid and idiot. Fine Pick One!

If its not something to you, then Fine, Go be your Bad Self somewhere else... but don't sit on the Forum and say truely things one does not mean.

I frankly resent a negative post as to a Vocation that I get to MAJOR in everyday. That I work in every day, with the pit-falls with the EGO's, with the (you name it) personal (problems), get out of the way, Get me the material I'm on it.... I don't care what drama is in your Life that pains you so to show up for work.

People call in Daily, try a day off and think about your career.


Señor Member
Former Child
jason said:
I would have fired all 3 of them. LOL. 30 Homeruns and 2 other guys working (or not) in the same house and didn't notice? On 2nd thought, I probably would have kept the guy from Florida on and fired the 2 other helpers. The guy from Fla was working his butt off while the other 2 must not have pulled a single HR or they would have noticed.

Funny story.

what's odd is after that he turned out to be the laziest employee i ever worked with. never wanted to work past lunch on friday's because "we didn't do that where i come from. . ." and would remind me w/ a slam of the door when getting back in the truck @ 1pm; which conjured up the most evil laugh in my head. when he was with me on a friday i'd work us until at least 6pm; boss would rather me make the lazy help quit than fire them so they can't file unemployment. i am the master at running people off and will go to any punishing lengths to make it happen. :D i once watched this idiot nearly drill a hole through his gut w/ a 1" bit in the hole hawg. he was lazily hoisting it above his head to drill the top plates. while letting it 'flop' down out of the hole, it turned over in his hands and went straight down the front of his body rolling his shirt with it and ripping it clean off his back. it almost took his face off because it flipped in towards him. he was a true dumb dumb.

M. D.

Senior Member
cadpoint said:
I'd say you've already beat alot of odd's, that goes for you too C. Kennedy...
It's called a Vocation, some people understand what it is to be in a position to make a difference, to work toward an end. They might even grace their present company with some air of calm stabililty, these are the ones that project what needs to happen for events to follow. Be it a learned response and or training, be it experience, age, even trial and error.

Ya'll know what it takes.... comments like this just adds to some cured downward spiral!!!

I don't think that anyone here needs say that! OK MY OPINION!

Theres a difference between Stupid and idiot. Fine Pick One!

If its not something to you, then Fine, Go be your Bad Self somewhere else... but don't sit on the Forum and say truely things one does not mean.

I frankly resent a negative post as to a Vocation that I get to MAJOR in everyday. That I work in every day, with the pit-falls with the EGO's, with the (you name it) personal (problems), get out of the way, Get me the material I'm on it.... I don't care what drama is in your Life that pains you so to show up for work.

People call in Daily, try a day off and think about your career.

Is it me:confused: I have very little idea of just what is being said here
My second day on the job we went to disconnect a construction trailer. The journeyman I was working for did not know I was green. He told me to "cut the wires in the panel loose". I asked, "All the wires?". "Yes", he said. I cut the big wires first, then I cut out all the small ones that went to the breakers. I'll never forget when he asked me,"Where did you get all that wire?"


Two out of too many come to mind:

1- Picked up a 250' cut of 3/0 THHN CU from the warehouse, put in back of my truck that had a fiberglass topper with a "flip up" full back. Didn't lock the back down, " 'cause ain't no way the back lip would flip up". Got to the job, opened the "flip up" and no wire!!!! Re-traced my route, but someone beat me to the coil!! Boss wasn't happy.

2- Doing a service replacement to an old "range, main and 4". Unscrewed all the fuses, started cutting old cloth romex out. ZAP, got knocked off the ladder and burned out a brand new pair of Kleins. Reason, the HO had replaced a burned out fiber fuse washer with a brass one!!!! Now, I always test and don't guess.

I got a million of 'em!!! RLK

tom baker

First Chief Moderator
Staff member
mdshunk said:
Drove over and broke off a barely visible fill pipe for an underground propane storage tank and caused the evacuation of a neighborhood for 2-1/2 days.

Turned on a newly wired stamping press and smashed up a $200,000 stamping die that happened to be in it.

You could fill some pretty big books with all the dumb stuff I've ever done.
Now we know. We still appreciate your posts.


Senior Member
We were working on a 600 volt fused disconnect. The fuse holders were loose, getting hot and causing the fuse to blow. We had installed some tension clamps on the holders, put in a new fuse and had everything back up and running.

We had the cover open so we could do a little show and tell with the owner. The owner and his wife were very attentive as we pointed out the discoloration. As we explained that this was due to the loose connection causing the metal and fuse to heat up, the wife reaches in and grabs the fuse to see if it was still hot. Fortunately, her hand was small, a 600 volt fuse is big, and she aimed for the middle of the fuse so she did not touch any metal.

We yanked her away and tried to explain what she had done did but she was all smiles. I don't think she ever realized how close she came to disaster.


Senior Member
miveys' story is similar to one I did.

Was about a week away from turning over a new motel to the owner when the fire alarm goes off. I go to the main panel and silence it, then look to see where the problem is. (Non-addressable) Zone 1... first floor somewhere. I walk the first floor and find a pull station sticking out. I carry a key with me, so I reset it and head back to the panel.

On my way, I meet the owner with his wife. They're going nuts, and wonder what's happening. I tell them someone pulled a pull station and they need to call their alarm monitor company to call off the FD. They're baffled.... "Monitoring what?" "Give them the alarm what?" They're clueless and don't know how to do it. I explain it to them, but they don't know the alarm code.

Oh well, as soon as the yellow and red trucks start pulling up, I explain to them that someone had accidently pulled a PS and it was a false alarm.

Turns out, it was the owners wife who did it. She explained to me that ever since whe was a little girl, she wanted to do that. She thought she could just push it back up and it would turn off.......:mad: :mad: :mad:


Senior Member
Right here.
frizbeedog said:
I smacked a customer on the forearm hard to get his arm out of the way when he nearly touched the bus of an open panel. I felt really bad about it, and explained to him why I did what I did, and he understood. He got a nasty bruise in the coming days, I noticed. He never mentioned it. This is the part where I should pay proper respect to the safety chorus seated in the transept area and say "don't do hot work". :smile:


Senior Member
new york
In the early 80s when I decided to go full time as a careerI was trying to helpthe guy I was working with and he hit the knifeblades on his ladder to close it and I thought i was helping by pushing the back half of the ladder inwards we were face to face and he was in so much pain that he couldnt even scream. I was just looking at the look on his face and wondered why he was drooling out of the corner of his mouth. He finally let out a scream then I realized I was crushing his fingers in the ladder. He pulled his fingers out crunched into all different directions I didnt break them but he never forgot it.


Senior Member
So, I'm running a new circuit to the MDP room. I was on an 10' ladder and using my big Klein lineman's to "bang-on" some caddy clips. Apprentice comes in and ask me to look at his work. I come back to the MDP room and move my ladder to the next spot.


The Kleins fell off the ladder and hit me right on the bridge of my nose. I dropped to my knees and saw Tweety birds flying around my head. I got up and walked out to where the apprentice was.

"Dude, what happened to you nose?", he said. "It's on the side of your face"!

I went to the men's room, and sure enough, my nose was off to the right side. I put my thumb against it and pushed REAL HARD! Crunching sound was heard by my apprentice, and blood gushed out of my nose. I went down again from pain.

To this day, my nose leans to the right.
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