I was cruising around here not logged in until I saw this!!!!!
#1. They do make one for pets, my buddy just put one in and I never looked at the specs, so I can't say much more. What if a young one comes over and touches it??? Think the UL would allow a fence of the sort not protected by an outer fence?
You not having the right to "booby trap" something is one thing, but *** **** it, you don't have the right to touch what's not yours either! I am floored by some of the responses here. That sign was in HIS yard, you have NO right to touch it, only to view it.
Now, to side with the rest of you softies, the yard should of been fenced off in order to make this right, but then again, why should he of had to gone to that extent??? There should of been a sign saying the sign was energized to cover his *ss, but the truth is, is that is the only thing that would of made this story better, because that sign only would of invited more dumb*ss' to try to steal the sign!
You are all right saying there could of been an unforseen electrical issue, but I think you don't admit to the point that a landownwer has rights and the privacy to his/her own land.
I am going to keep this short. I can't remember who said they put an electrical barrier of 120V's at their cat door, but someone said,..."If you kill a human, I hope you would be charged". That's TOTAL BS!!!!! It's one thing to knock on someone's door, but no one has the right to go sticking their hand into a pets entrance!!!
I sleep on the couch, with a Mossberg 12 ga. shotgun loaded with 3" #4 buck under it. You go sticking your hand in through my pets entrance, jiggle my door handle, or I find you in my garage,....YOU WILL BE MISSING ONE, IF NOT TWO KNEE CAPS!!!!!

HO's have rights, you stay on your side of the sidewalk, I'll stay on mine. You come into mine not invited, probably not much good will follow. I paid for my land, it is mine. It is NOT public property. You are welcome if I invite you.
People stealing political signs, .....how pathetic has this world come to??????
I don't care if you live in the city. Don't touch what's mine. What if the HO's Mustang was in the yard, does the innocent kid, even though he doesn't know any better have the right to try and swing from the side view mirror??? It was parked in his front yard, honest mistake right, even though you told him not to play near the car 3-4 times????
No, that wouldn't be right, he could fall and break his back. Poor kid,,,,,where was the Father?