Ask yourself, how much do you
LOVE and look forward to wasting your precious free time filling out surveys and forms?
Well, your customers I guarantee are just as enthusiastic to fill our YOUR survey/form/BS thingy too.
#1. Everybody hates filling out forms, its like homework with no consequence, so no-one does it.
#2. If you really want to know what your customer thinks of your service then TRAIN YOUR TECHNICIANS TO ASK THEM!
Here's what we do:
Have the tech inform the customer at the BEGINNING of the call just how important their satisfaction is and that they will be asking them for their feedback at the END of the call.
THEN, at the end of the call have the tech use the magic words, "Was my service here today good enough to earn your referral or online review?"
IF the customers response is anything less than, "Of course I would, you guys were fantastic!"
THEN the tech asks, "So mr Customer, what would I have to do here right now to earn your 100% satisfaction?"
Then LISTEN UP an do WHATEVER it takes to make them satisfied even if it means loosing some money. (Remember that out of 10 happy customers only 1 will tell another person, but 1 unhappy customer will tell 10 people or more!).
As an added bonus, if the tech a short selfie video with the customer telling everyone how great they think our company is, we give the tech a $50 gift card to Walmart or wherever.
Video Testimonials are like marketing gold.
Also, make sure the tech understands that part of finishing the job is asking the "magic question" and writing down the customers response in his work order.
Just think, if the tech knows he has to look the customer in the eye at the end of the job and ask for their appraisal of his work, how likely is he to do a poor job or be rude?
(the $50 incentive for the video helps out too!)
Sound difficult? Yup.
Sound like your techs won't want to do it? Yup.
Sound like a lot of training, trial and error and work? Yup.
Will it get you all the feedback info, referrals and testimonial videos you could ever want? You bet it will!
No one said it would be easy, but you have to be willing to do what your competition won't if you want to succeed. That's my opinion.
(BTW you're welcome