Supper's over and the dishes washed, nothing left but a piece of squash.
Now let's pick some wacky delta with 120,140, & 250 volt legs that looks like:
..........b.______ a
[edit: this was supposed to look like a triangle but the spaces were being stripped out

If VB'=0, VA'=120<0, VC'=140<130.76, then VN'=250<17.254
If we use VN' as the reference point we get
VA=140<-148, VB=250<-162.75, VC=331.7<174.48 which transforms to
V0=232.48<-170.39, V1=86.29<5.8, V2=50.48<-60.8
If you take the delta voltages for these values and transform them you get:
VAB=120<0, VBC=140<-49.24,VCA=236.51<153.36
with a transform of
V0=0, V1=149.45<35.8, V2=87.43<-90.8
So you can see, even with a wacky delta, as long as the delta is closed, we are getting no zero sequence voltage.
Now let's take our nice delta from before of
which transformed to:
V0=0, V1=207.85<30, V2=0
and open the delta like this:
gives us a transform of:
V0=120.62<0.17, V1=120<-0.34, V2=120.62<120.17
The reverse is also true. If we take our sequence vectors of:
V0=0, V1=207.85<30, V2=0
and insert a zero sequence like this:
V0=1<1, V1=207.85<30, V2=0
We get:
which does not close, showing an additional path and yields a net of
So, if you are getting a zero sequence, the delta voltages you are using can't be summed to zero. The legs can be different, they just must sum to zero in order to not have a zero sequence using the L-L transformation.
You can always draw the line-to-line voltages from the wye and the delta will close because the legs of the wye, by definition, will have a common reference point.
For those that are paying attention, think about this common reference point on the delta and you will see why the center tap ground on the lighting pot of a 120/240 delta bank CAN NOT BE THE NEUTRAL POINT for the 3-phase delta system, but CAN ONLY BE the neutral point for the single phase portion of the delta system.