Zinsco/ Federal Pacific

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Harrisburg PA
I know both Zinsco and Federal Pacific panel boxes and breakers both have serious safety issues. I switch one of those brands out about once a week. My inspector said Zinsco has been officially condemned. He said Federal Pacific will be condemned soon.

Does anyone know if there's an official writeup on the problems with these manufactures. I've had home and property owners question weather I'm telling them the truth when I suggest these boxes need replaced.
I still see tons of FP equipment in use that has been there you years with no problems!

Yes plenty still out there. And unless the home owner/ renter creates a serious overload or short there is no problem. You could put 40 amp breaker on #14 wire on any panel and if the load is normal we could say NO PROBLEM.

Only way many will get removed is by insurance companies that drop them. Other way is by fire. Given enough time they will do this on there own.

The average home owner knows nothing about electric. Slum lords will not care about safety of tenants. Some simply don't even try to insure these old houses as it is cheap way too tear it down to build new building.

As electricians all we can do is warn them when we see them.
fire hazard

fire hazard

they are both known for fire hazards but never have i heard them being condemned.
You cannot add a breaker to them, so if additional circuits are needed you must change panel.
No UL listed replacement breakers available.
they are both known for fire hazards but never have i heard them being condemned.
You cannot add a breaker to them, so if additional circuits are needed you must change panel.
No UL listed replacement breakers available.

Thomas & Betts and Connecticut Electric make listed Zinsco replacements.
I still see tons of FP equipment in use that has been there you years with no problems!

Yeah, because they have not been called upon to actually trip due to a problem. As long as the circuit is OK, there will never be a problem. As soon as they are called upon to trip then you will have a problem.
GOOD... lights on.. no smoke

BAD... lights off.. lots of smoke

This is the kind of no nonsense wisdom that I come to this site for.

There was a long thread about this about a month ago, if you search
for it you will get links to several detailed articles about FP panels
and CBs. Will try to look it up myself.
I took this picture today responding to a partial power call. Although this had nothing to do with the problem, its typical of what I see with these panels. Notice the bus on the right.

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