I don't see it as a "ban" exactly. They are not instructing anyone to yank it out for no reason just because it is installed. They are referring to making modifications to existing equipment and basically saying that since the original mfr of the existing equipment is no longer in business, you are not going to be allowed to modify it using old or after market product that might be available. They do the same thing with smoke detectors in a way. Around here if you make ANY addition with a permit, whether it has anything to do with smoke detectors or not, they will force you to change battery-only smoke detectors to combo source versions. So is that really "banning" battery only smoke detectors? Nope. If you don't change anything in your house needing a permit, no problem.
Their reasoning may be that for use in a Solar installation, that old stock or aftermarket stuff is essentially untested on older panels since the demise of the OEM predates the development of solar inverter technology. Behind the scenes I can imagine it might really be because Zinsco panels had aluminum bus, and maybe they know that because of the increased harmonics from the solar inverters, the already known crappy plug-in connections to the Al bus in Zinsco panels may heat up even more. But do they really need to say all that, or just say "Sorry, no grandfathering of additions to existing equipment from defunct mfrs.", which is how I read that.