What Happened?

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After a few minutes of surfing I'm lost.

Why is the time set up for GMT?
Why aren't the posts that have been read a different color than the ones that haven't been read?
Why are the posts listed from 2003 to the present in a seemingly random order?
Where is the spell check?
Am I the only one confused? :?
Sorry for the confusion guys.... the old forum software was very outdated and becoming problematic so we were forced to upgrade it. The conversion just completed overnight and I see a few problems like the posts being out of order. I should have all the kinks worked out shortly.

Please post any concerns or questions you have about the new forum in this thread and I will be glad to address them.

Thanks for your patience.

Re: Time Zone

Re: Time Zone

webmaster said:
Eastern = GMT-5
Central = GMT-6
Mountain = GMT-7
Pacific = GMT-8

And when some (but not all) of us go to Daylight Savings Time,
  • EDT is the same as GMT - 4
  • CDT is the same as GMT - 5
  • MDT is the same as GMT -6
  • PDT is the same as GMT - 7
I am now completely confused.....Our lives and jobs are complex enough without this. :( but we shall adapt!
webmaster said:
Please post any concerns or questions you have about the new forum in this thread and I will be glad to address them.
Problem 1: The ability to scroll from one thread to the next (or the previous) appears to have been lost. In order to read another thread, it looks like you have to go back to the topic area, and select a thread from its list.

Problem 2: The buttons (if that is the right word) for editing or quoting or PMing are far too small to be read by some of us older and decrepiter members.
Unless I am missing something, it appears to me that all Private Messages that I had been saving have been deleted.

If that is true, a bit of warning might have been in order. There were some that I would have liked to have printed before they were lost.
Alright, so change is good. No one ever said it was easy.
I like the addition of spell check, some of us need it. :D

I know that stuff gets out-dated quickly and I would like to thank the webmaster for switching everything over in a quick manner. I know your job is not always easy, and sometimes thankless. Thank you for keeping us up and running.
I suppose the spell check only works if you actually push the button. That's too much like work. :mrgreen:

O.K. I just added the signature. It was not directed at anyone.
Any chance of changing the font to a readable type (not talking size or color) It's a little difficult on these older eyes :shock:

Can you get rid of the left column of links? It is un necessary and takes up space.

I like the quick reply feature.

I also find the font hard on the eyes.

How do we suscribe to a thread??? :?
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