worst tool ever made

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I agree they are not as good as a hacksaw and you certainly have to ream the end after the cut. Although I use mine from time to time when the pipe is already installed in a tight space or maybe it even has wire in it and I have shorten it, I use the greenlee pipe cutter. Not an ideal tool for EMT when cutting pipe on a new installation I will agree.


the millwawkee mini hand sawzall looks like it would be good I bet that would be easy and it will fit in your pouch cut while your on a ladder just dont let osha see you drop your stuff on your helper below without his hard hat.:)

Feel The Power electric
I just bought one. I'll let ya know in a couple of months. This post has gone on for a while and I don't think anyone has come up with a tool that sucks as bad as the Green Lee EMT cutter in your original post!:smile:
I vote for the 10-in-one. The screwdriver bits started falling out the first day I used it. They were lost in about two weeks. Then the nut driver feature stripped out after another week of use.

I've had mine for almost 4 years of daily use with no problems.

I did lose one bit,(dropped in attic insulation, not the tool's fault :rolleyes:) but you can order replacements.
worst tool ever made

I will say up front that this may seem off topic at first-...,Ever had the wife buy you a tool or "Toy"[which for many of us could be a really expensive tool] that you not only didn't ask for but specifically tried to discourage them from even thinking about it?
As a musician ,I've got to buy my guitars-as an electrician I want to pick my cordless drill-as a guy I want to pick my boots..
Then I became an inspector.
So that xmas the wife bought me a GPS for the work car.
I hadn't been getting lost before as far as I know.!
I know how to use mapquest at the start of my day and in an attempt to stave off alzheimers I think ocassional use of the rand mcnally when in doubt is almost like a booster shot.!@#$
So...2years later-The GPS is still in my office in the basement...,in case I get lost down there-and I guess its working fine .
It could be me...,maybe I'm just mentally constipated.@#$
first off, why is the flat head screwdriver on the list for worst tool?? it's way better at torque than a phillips or a robertson, no?

tubing cutters, imo, should only be used to cut already installed emt, and only if the cut is in a tight spot, and/or there is wire in the pipe-at which point you score and snap. then the wire is ok, and the pipe is ok.
first off, why is the flat head screwdriver on the list for worst tool?? it's way better at torque than a phillips or a robertson, no?
I agree until the head is damaged. Phillips is poor unless you have a perfect fit, but I like the Robertson (i.e., square drive.)

S1 fits most device 6-32's, S2 fits most device terminals and breaker and bus terminals, and S3 fits EMT fittings. I like them.
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I vote for the 10-in-one. The screwdriver bits started falling out the first day I used it. They were lost in about two weeks. Then the nut driver feature stripped out after another week of use.

Don't diss my 10 in 1! I luv that thing!:D

I like to have a small tube cutter with me sometimes. They work great when you need to cut a piece of EMT that's in a hard to reach spot.
I never bought one but you know what I think is really retarded? Has anyone seen those strippers with the built in voltage sensor? I had a helper bring one of those to work and he never heard the end of it.

i bought the greenlee emt cutter, its similar to what the plumbers use to cut tubing with. biggest piece of junk there ever was. dont ever buy it. it caused me almost an hour of aggrivation today because it couldnt cut the pipe right. i bought it to try out and ill never use it again! dont waste your money on this or the klein one

I laughed at that thing when I saw it a few years ago. I wouldn't take it if they gave it to me anyhow.

Those new 12-3 romex strippers. I think they say quarter turn. Hate them and dont trust them.

Utility knife down the center still works great.
I once owned a Bosch 1/2" Hammer drill, and wouldn't recommend it.

The chuck would not stay tight, and the chuck key was way too soft.
I wore the teeth off in a couple of months.

The variable speed trigger went out in short order, and the cord was super skinny and not very durable.

also...that thing was LOUD.

Just my opinion.

ps. I cut EMT with a hacksaw and ream it with my pocket knife.:smile:
I don't run much EMT.

Just adding to the list here. IMHO the worst tool I've ever purchased was the Roto-Zip Rebel. I'm sure they're great for cutting through sheetrock but try cutting through the backs of kitchen cabinets and all you do is burn up bits. I think I've used it twice and its been sitting in my shed for two years now.

On another note we all know that when a tool bears the Greenlee or Klien label you'll be paying top dollar for it. But I think this one takes the cake. If you carry this in your tool pouch you're telling the world you have $$$ to burn :grin:


You think THAT's bad? :cool:

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