worst tool ever made

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LarryFine said:
I would think it wouldn't matter after repeated use.
You've got a point there Larry. My question is what bottles require a bottle opener these days ? Imported beers mostly, Sam Adams, micro-brewed beers, etc. Then you have to ask "Why are you carrying the beverage tool in your tool pouch ?" If we start drinking beer on the job during the day then we're into a whole new phase of electrical work.:wink:
You've got a point there Larry. My question is what bottles require a bottle opener these days ? Imported beers mostly, Sam Adams, micro-brewed beers, etc. Then you have to ask "Why are you carrying the beverage tool in your tool pouch ?" If we start drinking beer on the job during the day then we're into a whole new phase of electrical work.:wink:
You can still buy soft drinks that way. I was at a meeting last week with Cokes that needed a bottle-opener. Non available so we had to "old-school" 'em.:smile:
You can still buy soft drinks that way. I was at a meeting last week with Cokes that needed a bottle-opener. Non available so we had to "old-school" 'em.:smile:

what way is that? Dikes? nines? put the lip of the cap on a counter and hit downwards?

are yankee screwdrivers worth buying? i like buying tools and i had my eye on that one but i dont know if its worth it

If you have one of the smaller drills for setting finish and what not, the yankee is not really worth it. They were really the only thing availible when I started, the cordless stuff hadn't really come out yet.

The bad things about them as I said was that you would catch that wed in it and that hurt like heck, or the thing would start to stick and you would spray some WD40 on it and the next thing you knew you had this spray pattern on the wall and floor and also there were no Phillips screws on outlets so you only had a straight blade and every once in awhile it would slip and you'd put a hole in the wall.:D

I don't even know what happened to mine. I do have one that was my grandfathers.
IMHO this is the worst tool ever created in the history of tools:

If we start drinking beer on the job during the day then we're into a whole new phase of electrical work.:wink:

I..............B..................E..................oh man that dang short term memory loss got me again.......what were we talking about?

Easy die hards I am poking fun at the hall trash here............
I know this is a "bad" tools thread, but does anyone here still use a Spartan hacksaw? I've got three of them. I use one at times, and have one that has never been used that I have put up in my shop. As far as a tool that's really bad, how about the Channel-Lock lock ring pliers? Someone may have mentioned it already, but I think they are a waste of money.
In defense of tubing cutters: for guys like myself who've done 100's of homes in 1/2" and 3/4" conduit, there's nothing better. If you do it day in and day out for about a month, it will be the best tool you ever had, but I only use the RIGID brand, with genuine RIGID cutting wheels, and when the wheel axle gets worn after about two years of constant use, you need to get a new one b/c your tubers doesn't run true across the conduit.
I know this is a "bad" tools thread, but does anyone here still use a Spartan hacksaw? I've got three of them. I use one at times, and have one that has never been used that I have put up in my shop. As far as a tool that's really bad, how about the Channel-Lock lock ring pliers? Someone may have mentioned it already, but I think they are a waste of money.
I've got a pair of the lock ring pliers. For some sitiations they work great.
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