worst tool ever made

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GreenLee 5715 Deluxe Gas Lamp Tester​

A total waste of time and money.

why dont you like it?
just gotta believe!

just gotta believe!

AMK Manufacturing Pipe Locator

Locates PVC plastic pipe, iron or steel pipe, electrical cable, ceramic pipe, telephone cables, asbestos cement pipe, conduits, concrete pipe, fiber optics to 10 ft. deep. Detects magnetic fields, and aligns itself with pipes, etc, when found. No batteries. U.S.A.
here's another for the list:

the G&B fish stix.

piece of junk.

I bought some two weeks ago because I left my greenlee set at the house (working on a honey-do list).

They cost me an hour and a half of labor because the couplings kept pulling off the rod. I ended up having to couple all of them together, and then taping the whole setup end-to-end to keep it together. And I was putting a maximum of 10lbs of force on them, if that. Just a routine pull.

I swear my greenlee set would pull a tank.
i bought the greenlee emt cutter, its similar to what the plumbers use to cut tubing with. biggest piece of junk there ever was. dont ever buy it. it caused me almost an hour of aggrivation today because it couldnt cut the pipe right. i bought it to try out and ill never use it again! dont waste your money on this or the klein one
Yep. I bought one too. The most useless piece of .... I have ever purchased. Your better off trying to use your teeth and bite through a piece of EMT than using this piece of junk!!:smile:
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worst tool I bought

worst tool I bought

Klein Nut driver "Drive a matic", complete BS. Couldn't find it in a supply house (now I know why), bought off internet , tried it out and strips out on the first time. Sittin on top of my fridge collectin dust now for the past 8 months.
Klein Nut driver "Drive a matic", complete BS. Couldn't find it in a supply house (now I know why), bought off internet , tried it out and strips out on the first time. Sittin on top of my fridge collectin dust now for the past 8 months.

I have one from back in the 80's (maybe 70's). It's buried somewhere in the dead tool box.
Welcome Home Hacksaw !!!

Welcome Home Hacksaw !!!

i bought the greenlee emt cutter, its similar to what the plumbers use to cut tubing with. biggest piece of junk there ever was. dont ever buy it. it caused me almost an hour of aggrivation today because it couldnt cut the pipe right. i bought it to try out and ill never use it again! dont waste your money on this or the klein one

I bought one of these 3 or 4 years ago. I made 1 cut on 1/2" emt. It took too long and the pipe needed to be reamed anyway. It has been sitting on the bottom of a bucket in my garage ever since. I don't do alot of pipe work, so my old trusty hacksaw is just fine for me.
i bought the greenlee emt cutter, its similar to what the plumbers use to cut tubing with. biggest piece of junk there ever was. dont ever buy it. it caused me almost an hour of aggrivation today because it couldnt cut the pipe right. i bought it to try out and ill never use it again! dont waste your money on this or the klein one

yep. it's junk. if you could get a wheel that didn't have that stupid shoulder
on it, it'd work ok.....

one that does work excellently is the one lenox makes... it's about $30 at the
wholesale house..... model is 21011.... this thing was done right.

I was under the impression that you were not supposed to use tubing cutters on EMT because they reduce the inside diameter of the conduit.
I was under the impression that you were not supposed to use tubing cutters on EMT because they reduce the inside diameter of the conduit.

the lame greenlee does, 'cause of how it's cutter wheel is profiled. it'll nearly
swage the end of the pipe closed if you keep cranking on it.

there isn't any prohibition against using a tubing cutter, as long as you don't
leave a sharp edge inside of the pipe.... i don't crank all the way thru, just
about half way thru, and then snap the pipe off. works fine. no burr, no
rolled edge.
I used the Greenlee on a building I rewired. It did just fine. Occassionally I had to clean up the inside, but as a rule not. Building was 1100 sqft. I started on another job and obviously I had exceeded the life span of the cuting wheel. I kept having it cut threads as opposed to the grove to split the pipe. I switched to a rigid cutter and a bastard file for deburring and have been happy since. I do conduit a few times a year.

Klein is a great company and their stuff is made in the USA, for the most part. I wouldn't be surprised if they took care of any complaint about their tools promptly. At least I want to believe they do, since I stand by them and always buy their stuff, shunning the Chinese made knock-offs. Not that the Chinese are not fine folks, I just like to support US made things right now especially.
has anyone tried the new milwaukee cordless tubing cutter on EMT? it says copper tubing but was j/w if it would or how it works on emt.
I had a Porter Cable 1/2" drill that was so good it was bad. I was dumb enough to put a spade bit in it. It had too much torque for the standard drill handle & nearly ripped my thumb off. It took about 6 months before it stopped hurting.

The healing may have taken a little longer than normal because every time my son & I would wrestle he'd go for my thumb.

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