egregious violation pics . . . .

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After reading through this thread and trying to ignore the childish bickering, I want to jump in and state that brantmacga did the right thing.

He notified the HO of the hazards, notified the POCO (See the very bottom of the first post) and got the green light from the HO to make the repairs.

In other words, he acted professionally, will be mitigating the hazard, and did not resort to vigilante tactics.

Any other ideas, like cutting their power off by taking the meter, breakers or whatever, is not only illegal, but could find one facing the wrong end of a weapon.

The next best idea would be a call to the AHJ as stated in multiple posts, emphasizing that it is a grave danger and an immediate emergency.
After reading through this thread and trying to ignore the childish bickering, .

Yeah, don't make me stop this car...... :cool:

I followed Jim's advice today. I was installing a light and receptacle on a screen porch. Noticed a new above ground pool. Too may violations to list. I drove right through it with my truck then I jumped out and took a Sawzall to the liner. Finally I cut the service drop to the house. Safety first!!
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Yeah, don't make me stop this car...... :cool:

I followed Jim's advice today. I was installing a light and receptacle on a screen porch. Noticed a new above ground pool. Too may violations to list. I drove right through it with my truck then I jumped out and took a Sawzall to the liner. Finally I cut the service drop to the house. Safety first!!

Funny, thanks for the laugh. I'm surprised the sawzall was needed though ?,... battery powered no doubt.
Whew That is DEADLY UGLY

Whew That is DEADLY UGLY

That's an abomination - I noticed for at least the first splice they carried the bare hot to an insulated conductor - why I have no idea -

Vaugely reminds me of a daddy done some wiring call some years ago - three seperate wires overhead from eave of house to shed in back, cutting loose one at time and wondering how it could be the light in the shed was still burning with all three wires cut - daddy got home owner lucky as he had re-fed shed underground and managed to get on same phase - with refeed...I see scary stuff with homeowners and unfortunately with occassional electricians who seem to know just enough code to be dangerous!

Have a great day all!

Let's try and stay on topic and leave the "hot and ugly" comments for the job site.
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O.K. so what would I have done ?
First put on PPE,.. second shut the breaker off ,.. third call the fire dept.(non 911 if the circuit breaker functioned as to disconnect that mess) and then the building inspectors office ,. upon their arrival I would leave,... they have right of access and the authority to have the POCO shut the service off if they,.. in their infinite wisdom deem this as an immediate threat to life. If not they can simply flip the disconnect back on,... notify the H.O. of the violations they want addressed and be on their way.

At least that is what I think I would do?? Not sure I'd be eager to work for this guy,.. Yikes.
-- the following was not done by a licensed EC, or by anyone with actual electrical experience --

Looks to me like a Maint. man did the job. Most homeowners bad work that I've experienced comes from them "trying" to do a good job, but missing some of the finer points of a safe installation. A job like this seems to come from one of the "make it work" guys which, in my experience, are usually of the Maintenance worker phenotype.

Disclaimer: Broad generalization based upon personal experience. I have known some really "with it" Maint. guys.

It just goes to show that even though many people think that "Any idiot can do electric work", it apparently takes a special type of idiot to do it right. :grin:
We all agree its danger. Question seems to be how to handle it. Sorry but just no way i walk away and let this stay live. At min i would call 911 and get this liability passed to someone that will get that meter pulled fast. As an electrician how could you walk away ?
We all agree its danger. Question seems to be how to handle it. Sorry but just no way i walk away and let this stay live. At min i would call 911 and get this liability passed to someone that will get that meter pulled fast.

There's no liability on me. Nothing requires me to report things I deem are dangerous to any authority. I didn't work on it; I told the HO of the dangers involved and let them decide.

As an electrician how could you walk away ?

Because its not my problem. That may sound harsh, but its the truth. I have enough things to worry about that are job related to care about someone burning their house down.

Like I said earlier; If I felt any lives besides those of the HO were in danger, I would try something. But as it stands, no one is in danger but the guy who did the work. If this were an apartment complex and the manager was refusing to fix something like this, and endangering all the tenants without their knowledge, that would certainly warrant making a phone call to someone. The tenants would deserve to know what conditions surround them that could lead to property damage or loss of life.

And I certainly don't want the reputation of "code enforcer" around town; meaning, I wouldn't want customers to think if I spot a problem at their house, I'm going to put them in a corner with the AHJ or POCO, or whoever, and force them into doing something they don't want.
We all agree its danger. Question seems to be how to handle it. Sorry but just no way i walk away and let this stay live. At min i would call 911 and get this liability passed to someone that will get that meter pulled fast. As an electrician how could you walk away ?

Just when I thought this couldn't get any better.
There's no liability on me. Nothing requires me to report things I deem are dangerous to any authority. I didn't work on it; I told the HO of the dangers involved and let them decide.


That is the how a person with the ability to put together a rational thought would handle it. It is also the right way to handle it.
No it's not our problem to fix but i want to sleep at night without thinking someone died cause i did not do enough to stop it.

My conscience isn't bothered by it.

If someone is injured or killed, its their own fault.

I told them what could happen. Its up to them to make a decision about it.

We still haven't fixed it, by the way.

The power company was supposed to come yesterday to disconnect so we could rebuild, but said some poles were broken somewhere and it'd be a couple of days before they can make it.

They said possibly tomorrow; as if I don't have a schedule to keep. :roll:
No it's not our problem to fix but i want to sleep at night without thinking someone died cause i did not do enough to stop it.

Here you go, Jim:


Now, I dare you to sleep tonight.​
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