I don't know if Div 16 is an enforced document. It usually is job specific. It rarely comes into play in smaller private works.
The enforcement of certificated or unlicensed contractors/workers is an entirely different deal. We already have in the public bids process that contractors must pay prevailing wages. This is never verified. ( hardly)
I realize most jobs are not going to have a CSI styled spec and description binder - but I hope you get my point?
If you got say an Architect to insert any language requiring certified electricians onto the boiler plates of his plans and general notes - it becomes part of the contract documents. Not too mention a fair warning, and a means of protecting GC's and clients from a C-10 how hires the non certified. (A selling point for either yours or my version of said language...

) That type of risk, and right there becomes a notice that said C-10 is then KNOWINGLY and willfully violating the law. Because it would be very hard to refute that they did not read the electrical notes printed on each copy of the plans....

Or on the contract they signed, much like the required language of lien warnings or 3-day right to cancel, or the required asbestos educational materials. (that few people provide....)
Right now there are few GC's or Architects etc. that know about this law - asking them to add it to, or more broadly requiring them by law to put it in there closes that "willful" out..... IMO. Requiring proof in one way or another is something many cities do, as they often have some designated "LABOR COMPLIANCE OFFICER" (AKA IBEW Rep') who wont even allow you on site without one.... Not that we need to go there or that far, but I think there needs to be something done.... Something we can do ourselves just by promoting it by word of mouth to the people we contact all the time.
The bottom line is there is little in the way of work out there now - if the uncertified guy is making less, and the C-10 who hired him is benefiting from that by providing a lower bid and winning more bids than the people who follow the law no matter our opinions of it - then something needs to be said - done - and sooner the better.