My day in Pictures (violations galore DIY territory)

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Aside from the wonderful electrical work, could you imagine what would happen if all that foam were to catch on fire? I also think the plumbing might be a bit suspect too.

I wonder if the eventual plan is to box this in.

I bet if you looked at it close enough not all that much has to be fixed.

OTOH, do you want to be in the business of fixing this guys screwups?

Boxing it in would make it look better but it's still a mess. It's not even close to a legal install.

The easiest way to deal with a mess like this is to start at the beginning and work your way inside. Meter/main disco on the outside and ground the system properly and then run SER to a panel in the basement. New panel right where the old one is located.

Sure I'll straighten out a mess like this. Once you get rid of all the crap work the homeowner did it's not that much different than doing a normal service up-grade. It will cost more than a normal service up-grade and the homeowner wasted a lot of money and effort but that's his problem. When the job is finished it will look much better and neat. The good thing is that it doesn't look as if he ran any new wiring in the house. If he did that's just more work and more money.

It's a waste of time trying to correct what this guy did because it will never be right it's just easier to start over. That way when it's finished it will be a good looking job and safe.
Sure hope you told them to run.:cool:

The whole install doesn't even make any sense, why in the world move the main panel up stairs, and run the SER cable back down stairs, to the old service/made junction box. why not just replace it in place?

This all looks as if it was done just to sell the house. look at how new the wood is, and the fact it is over what looks like freshly painted walls.

Even the old existing wiring coming into the original panel in the basement looks like a hack job.

He was trying to save 50 bucks in service cable this is how these morons think.
Then use your no-knock authority to walk right in and check it out (I don't think you, but someone alluded to such authority in a thread a while back).

See 80.13(4) through 80.13(9) or heck, all of 80.13.:roll: (80 is in Annex G)

To me it reads like the AHJ would have powers beyond what we give the police. I hope no area actually adopts article 80 without changes.

We are all allowed to buy whatever we want and do whatever we want until we get caught.

As it should be. :)
See 80.13(4) through 80.13(9) or heck, all of 80.13.:roll: (80 is in Annex G)

To me it reads like the AHJ would have powers beyond what we give the police. I hope no area actually adopts article 80 without changes.

As it should be. :)

Dude, yer out a date. Get with 2008. :grin: Annex H "Administration" now not G.
Check 80.13(7) ... consent or court order ...
Without either then all they can do is pull the plug on the whole structure. Lol. All they can do like disconnecting is something minor. :grin:
See 80.13(4) through 80.13(9) or heck, all of 80.13.:roll: (80 is in Annex G)

To me it reads like the AHJ would have powers beyond what we give the police. I hope no area actually adopts article 80 without changes.

As it should be. :)
It would make no real difference. The NEC does not overide the us and state constitutions.

Spoke with the homeowner in person and he will be pulling a permit and having a qualified electrician do the work and get it inspected.

Spoke with the homeowner in person and he will be pulling a permit and having a qualified electrician do the work and get it inspected.
who is pulling the permit you or the HO. I would not work under a HO permit and in coloraddo you are not allowed as an ec to work under a HO permit.
hopefully whoever pulls the permnit will have the inpsector out for walk thru prior to fixing any thing..what did HO say when he relized he was going to have tohave na Ec rework enitire job and have it inspected?
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