customers comment on Bid. what the

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just how o=low to do you have to bid to get work who is low balling these jopbs?
I was already extremly low in my price. I had materials estimated at $460.00 including the permitt fee.

"Thank you for your follow up and thorough review of our electrical needs. We have decided to use another electrician. You both appeared very competent and knowledgeable however the electrician we have decided to use had a lower quote. I will keep your card for future needs."

Thank you very much for your time and efficiency
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[FONT=Arial (W1)]Littleton[/FONT][FONT=Arial (W1)], CO[/FONT][FONT=Arial (W1)][/FONT]
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Re: Service change and misc Electrical
We are pleased to provide pricing for the referenced project as per walk thru on 10/06/2009 and the following.
  • Replace existing30 circuit FPE split bus service with 200amp Service 40 circuit panel
  • Install new circuit breakers for existing circuits
  • Install new 200amp rated meter housing
  • Install customer provide Motion light at location of Breaker panel
  • Install new circuit and circuit breaker for motion light
  • Install 1 ground rod for main service
  • Install main System ground wire to with in 5 foot of where main water enters house/aprox 50 foot
  • Install 1 outlet let on wall behind bar for TVtapped off exsting outlet directlly below
  • Replace existing outlet(1) on Kitchen counter with GFCI outlet
  • Install new ceiling electrical box aprox 18? from existing box for New Dinning room light
  • Electrical Permit from City of Littleton
  • coordination with Excel Energy for permanent connection of over head lines
  • Onsite and present to meet Electrical Inspector
  • Excludes:
  • any arc fault breakers
  • Any addition items as required by city electrical inspector not related to service
  • Change
  • Interface communication Grounding/ Bonding for communications
  • Purchase of Out side Motion Light and Electrical box for Light
? Due to Fluctuating prices of cooper and steel, the estimated price will be adjusted
? according to prices at time of delivery

? Total price for work as outlined above for Service upgrade Only $1260.00
? Price to install bar outlet $75.00
? Price to replace Kitchen Outlet and add new ceiling box In Dinning room$100.00
? Total Price for all above work $1435.00 Balance due upon completion

If you have any questions or require additional information, please call.
My price would be $2500.00 ish

There will always be someone cheaper. The real trick is not letting the customer get to that person.

Three questions.

1 Why only one ground rod
2 Why no AFCis included in price.
3 Did you really figure $460.00 for materials? Seems low.
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My low was $2000. I would like to see about $3200 for this job. We would have the customer wait for the inspector, if I have to add $500 to the job.
My price would be $2500.00 ish

There will always be someone cheaper. The real trick is not letting the customer get to that person.

Three questions.

1 Why only one ground rod only 1 is required around here.
2 Why no AFCis included in price. This is simple service change most of the AHJ do not require AFCI on service change
3 Did you really figure $460.00 for materials? Seems low.
I had my supplier quote all materils need and then materila list;

2" EMt -100 foot
2" weather head.
2-2" minis.
50foot 4/0 ALuminum XHHW.
1-200 amp meter base
1-200amp MB outdoor panle.
20 -pole breaker.
2 -2 pole 50 breakers.
5o foot #4 bare
1 ground rod and calmap
2 water pipe clamps
It sounds like the OP is the low bidder, I would of been closer to $2600 on the low side to $3000 on the high side.
sounds like your customer used your bid to create a job spec, then had a brother/handyman/day laborer do the work.
Some years ago we had a hand full of guys in our area low balling service upgrades, then the flat rate, and big yellow guys moved in the area, and started asking prices that produced a profit, which is what a business should do, we still have some guys low balling, but usually when their wife runs off with the plumber, they change their pricing, you will always have someone offering a lower price, you have to sell your business, and your abilities as something of more value, and stop looking at what the others charge, mark-up all material no less then 50% and add all overhead and operating expenses, and don't forget to tag on a nice profit.
In NE Ohio, stuff can go pretty cheap, you might find someone for 1500 who'd throw in the little stuff, that always bites you in backside. If this was a cold sell or new customer, I'd sell it for $1950.00 for just the service work and nearby GFCI. I'd try not to cross the 2K boundary, I'd work out the extras after I sold the service if possible. Again, I don't have east or west coast overhead.
In NE Ohio, stuff can go pretty cheap, you might find someone for 1500 who'd throw in the little stuff, that always bites you in backside. If this was a cold sell or new customer, I'd sell it for $1950.00 for just the service work and nearby GFCI. I'd try not to cross the 2K boundary, I'd work out the extras after I sold the service if possible. Again, I don't have east or west coast overhead.

The area economic conditions will change the burdened labor, but usually, not the material or profit figures, so the gross difference will vary from 10 to 20% across the country, and there are some depressed areas, where rates can be much lower, but in those areas the cost of living in that area makes it a wash, when a contractor figures his costs of doing business, the area econimic conditions, and cost of living, is part of setting a rate.
Answer: You don't. Save your energy for the next (profitable) job.

When giving a free estimate, don't give anything away, like details.
Very true

I never list my materials on my estimate only the scope of work and the price.

ok so I myself was low balling butI ma getting beat out bad these days were as before things with the econmy got bad I could charge a good but fair price and make profit.

this is total B.S so many guys operating with out knowing what it costs to do business.
At least $2200 here. I'd like to get $2500. You can't sweat the low ball price - move on - some guy is working for wages only on that job.

You work too hard at your business to start dropping prices 30 -50% -which is a good way to go out of business.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear from that person again in the future.
Way, way low...if you don't make money on a service change when can you ever?

Wasn't someone here that said something along the lines of its "an electrician's God given right to make money on a service upgrade"?
[FONT=Arial (W1)]just how o=low to do you have to bid to get work who is low balling these jopbs?
I was already extremly low in my price. I had materials estimated at $460.00 including the permitt fee.

"Thank you for your follow up and thorough review of our electrical needs. We have decided to use another electrician. You both appeared very competent and knowledgeable however the electrician we have decided to use had a lower quote. I will keep your card for future needs."

Thank you very much for your time and efficiency

[FONT=Arial (W1)]Littleton[/FONT][FONT=Arial (W1)], CO[/FONT]

Re: Service change and misc Electrical
We are pleased to provide pricing for the referenced project as per walk thru on 10/06/2009 and the following.

  • Replace existing30 circuit FPE split bus service with 200amp Service 40 circuit panel
  • Install new circuit breakers for existing circuits
  • Install new 200amp rated meter housing
  • Install customer provide Motion light at location of Breaker panel
  • Install new circuit and circuit breaker for motion light
  • Install 1 ground rod for main service
  • Install main System ground wire to with in 5 foot of where main water enters house/aprox 50 foot
  • Install 1 outlet let on wall behind bar for TVtapped off exsting outlet directlly below
  • Replace existing outlet(1) on Kitchen counter with GFCI outlet
  • Install new ceiling electrical box aprox 18? from existing box for New Dinning room light
  • Electrical Permit from City of Littleton
  • coordination with Excel Energy for permanent connection of over head lines
  • Onsite and present to meet Electrical Inspector
  • Excludes:
  • any arc fault breakers
  • Any addition items as required by city electrical inspector not related to service
  • Change
  • Interface communication Grounding/ Bonding for communications
  • Purchase of Out side Motion Light and Electrical box for Light
? Due to Fluctuating prices of cooper and steel, the estimated price will be adjusted
? according to prices at time of delivery

? Total price for work as outlined above for Service upgrade Only $1260.00
? Price to install bar outlet $75.00
? Price to replace Kitchen Outlet and add new ceiling box In Dinning room$100.00
? Total Price for all above work $1435.00 Balance due upon completion

If you have any questions or require additional information, please call.

here is the other guys quote from the customer.

no way is he making any money on $1042.00 permit cost is $60.00

this is ridiculass.

The first guy quoted around $1800 for everything and the guy we went with was $1042.40 for everything
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