Carbon Dioxide Detector

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Senior Member
poestenkill ny
Anyone been involved in the installation of CO2 detectors in regards to fresh air in school classrooms. Im wondering what is involved with them. Do they look like a typical smoke? I am just so surprised that its a state law that fresh air be monitored for CO2 in schools.
Wait a sec.....

CO2= Carbon DIoxide


CO= Carbon MONOxide

I want to make sure we are on the same page first. If its CO2, it sounds like an energy management system tie in. I would want to see a spec sheet. If its CO I still want to see a spec sheet
I said the same thing to the guy who asked me to run wiring for them. Its CO2 not CO. I have no spec sheet on them just wondering what the deal is with them.

Sounds like an really expensive air handling system accessory. I do not have any experience with that. I cannot believe there is a law governing it in a school. However, CO2 displaces oxygen and is an asphyxiate at high concentrations. It would signal a sign of a problem with the HVAC not venting its exhaust gases properly. Here is a chart:

The levels of CO2 in the air and potential health problems are:

* 250 - 350 ppm – background (normal) outdoor air level
* 350- 1,000 ppm - typical level found in occupied spaces with good air exchange.
* 1,000 – 2,000 ppm - level associated with complaints of drowsiness and poor air.
* 2,000 – 5,000 ppm – level associated with headaches, sleepiness, and stagnant, stale, stuffy air. Poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate and slight nausea may also be present.
* >5,000 ppm – Exposure may lead to serious oxygen deprivation resulting in permanent brain damage, coma and even death. This is why there are abort switches on CO2 Total flooding systems. Typically used in large engine rooms on ships. They are fun to watch discharge!!!
It is somewhat tied into the energy management system. It seems like a silly waste of money to me but we will do what needs to be done.
It is somewhat tied into the energy management system. It seems like a silly waste of money to me but we will do what needs to be done.

I agree waste of money, but as long as you are getting paid to do it, why not?
Not so silly at all. I think they are concerned with the CO2 levels generated by concentrations of people (we exhale CO2) in tight buildings. As you can see from the chart concentrations of 1000-2000 ppm leads to drowsiness and poor concentration which can probably be reached in a classroom or auditorium filled to capacity. (This is why we yawn in church.) That's something you would want to mitigate especially in a school.

Depending on the CO2 level, the fan unit will adjust the outside air intake.

So it really saves alot of money, because you won't have to condition as much outside air if nobody is in there breathing.

They are standard now in places of assembly it seems and parking garages.

Looks like a tstat. Check your drawings, but it most likely requires a dedicated 3-wire, unless it is a newer one which receives an in/out network and 24v. They go great next to the tstat, by the return.

The controls company will tell you what to do here.
Not so silly at all. I think they are concerned with the CO2 levels generated by concentrations of people (we exhale CO2) in tight buildings. As you can see from the chart concentrations of 1000-2000 ppm leads to drowsiness and poor concentration which can probably be reached in a classroom or auditorium filled to capacity. (This is why we yawn in church.) That's something you would want to mitigate especially in a school.


Still Silly. I may have nodded off in a class in school and college, but I still got A's and have no detriments from sitting in the CO2 of others expiration.

My point being, its overkill technology that we have got by without for years-- This is not a blanket statement about technology, just this specific example.

Now as the post above states it can save energy costs which save money, if thats true, then I get it.
Still Silly. I may have nodded off in a class in school and college, but I still got A's...

That was in our day. Today when a kid doesn't learn it can't be the kid's fault, there has to be some other explanation.:roll:

Still Silly. I may have nodded off in a class in school and college, but I still got A's...

That was in our day. Today when a kid doesn't learn it can't be the kid's fault, there has to be some other explanation.:roll:


Don't you love passing the buck, its so, what's the word...... easy.
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