Single electron effects
Take the case of a hydrogen atom, which is a single proton. Modern physics teaches that the electron is a point charge at some length distant from the center, where the proton is. The electron occupies an orbit or shell.
Now the question is, does the electron "move" in its shell?
If the electron is a "point charge" and it "moves" in orbit, it must radiate energy by Maxwell's Laws, an unbalanced charge in motion radiates EM. Now, if the hydrogen atom radiates, it loses energy to its surroundings, which is a unstable condition bad enough to turn the universe into a gas cloud (no stable matter). Also, the hydrogen atom would have a magnetic "moment" where its surface has a charge difference depending on what side the electron was at that instant. This would make the hydrogen atom susceptible to manipulation in electric and magnetic fields.
But hydrogen in the un-ionized state, with a balanced bound electron, displays indefinite stability, does not radiate, is immune and impervious to surrounding EM fields, has no magnetic moment. All of the things predicted by the electron point charge model are not observed in nature.
Now, does the electron "move" in its shell? Near as I can gather, modern physics conveniently does not ask this question or test this case. MP ignores the single electron, the "Uncertainty Principle" and the mathematical description is statistical, the probability of finding the electron in a distribution. It takes a static snapshot. I found this very disappointing, a lot of time, work, and money to sit there and be BS'd. Mathematically, the electron is created by the act of observing, the cat appears in the box when it is opened but is undetermined otherwise.
In Dr Randell Mills theory above, the stable electron takes the shape of a two dimensional "great circle". A great circle is a trial mathematical solution of the electron wave equation. It can "move" without radiation in the bound state.