expansion fittings

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:-? Hi there guys ! Im in search of your help. I have in my hands a print and sheets of specs on the installation of expansion fittings for a duct bank or a series of banks, incased in concrete. I have not done something like that and I believe this may not apply to this job . I'm trying to find as much info on the subject ,and so far ,I can only see this system being applied to exposed conduit where temperature is relevant .

Hope to hear from you. Thanks!
:-? Hi there guys ! Im in search of your help. I have in my hands a print and sheets of specs on the installation of expansion fittings for a duct bank or a series of banks, incased in concrete. I have not done something like that and I believe this may not apply to this job . I'm trying to find as much info on the subject ,and so far ,I can only see this system being applied to exposed conduit where temperature is relevant .

Hope to hear from you. Thanks!

The expantion fittings go anywhere there is an expantion joint in the concrete. Not in the solid portion of the concrete. The idea is to keep the pipe from breaking with movment of the concrete.
Thanks for response!

Thanks for response!

Thank you for the input on the subject ; seems like I need to talk to the contractor to get a better understanding of the expansion points in this job.

once again ! Thank you!!!!.
Thank you for the input on the subject ; seems like I need to talk to the contractor to get a better understanding of the expansion points in this job.

once again ! Thank you!!!!.

If it calls for expantion deflexion couplings be prepared to spent big $$$$$$. Example, 2" pvc expantion deflection couplings cost about $300.00 ea. Expantion is for laterial movement. Expantion deflection is for laterial and vertical movement.
OP stated duck bank, not slabs with expansion joints. I have never installed an expansion fitting in a duck bank in poured concrete.
Well, all I got is a page of the print and part of the specs so I am tying to get ready for the job in short time.I Guess this will have to be reviewed by me and the builder.There's more questions than answers.I'll post the results of the meeting.
OP stated duck bank, not slabs with expansion joints. I have never installed an expansion fitting in a duck bank in poured concrete.

But the OP has plans that call for expantion fittings in duct bank installed in conctrete. But we all know that was most likley drawn by some wet behind the ears 1st year apprectice engineer right?:grin:
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