Siemens handle tie for 3 BL-120's

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
I must be missing something, I see they make them for 2 breakers but I need about a dozen to use with 3. Anyone use these yet?

Thank you.
Many months ago, I heard what can only be described as a rumor to the effect that nobody makes a listed 3-breaker handle tie. I would be curious to see if someone can refute that rumor.
So far it seems that to holds true. I called two suppliers today and have feebly searched the wicked web including Siemens products on the Siemens site and can find only ties for two 120's. Very interesting.
Chris, maybe you can find a source from someone who has defective 3p's.

If its not listed, it ain't going to fly in the jurisdiction I'm working in. Gear has already been shiped with 120's and I'm now look at the difference between 12 BL 320's and the additional cost of EMT and wire.
I must be missing something, I see they make them for 2 breakers but I need about a dozen to use with 3. Anyone use these yet?

Thank you.
No I always use 3pole. Not found on several search engines either:confused:

They should make them but......
Many months ago, I heard what can only be described as a rumor to the effect that nobody makes a listed 3-breaker handle tie. I would be curious to see if someone can refute that rumor.

Heard the same, but then saw some G-E ties:
(from page 1-28 in their "BuyLog")

Multiwire Branch Breaker

2 $25.00
Handle Tie Kits

3 $25.00
All multi-pole breakers have internal common trip
Handle ties provide manual on-off capability only between one-pole devices

For two single-pole breakers
2For three single-pole breakers - kit includes (10) pcs.

Heard the same, but then saw some G-E ties:
(from page 1-28 in their "BuyLog")

Multiwire Branch Breaker

2 $25.00
Handle Tie Kits

3 $25.00
All multi-pole breakers have internal common trip
Handle ties provide manual on-off capability only between one-pole devices

For two single-pole breakers
2For three single-pole breakers - kit includes (10) pcs.

So GE makes them? Are they legal on any other breaker brand?
very doubtful they would be listed and might not even work.
it doesn't help Chris, but I was imparting the word given me that "no one makes them" apparently is false.
very doubtful they would be listed and might not even work.
it doesn't help Chris, but I was imparting the word given me that "no one makes them" apparently is false.

I see. Kinda like the thread where the op said the inspector could use two 2p ties for a 3p circiut last week.....
I just wonder if there would be a requirement of them to be listed, since they technically does not modify the operation of the breaker. The breaker is not modified to accept it. But then again unless you could provide documentation stateing otherwise, it would be hard to get by the country:roll: of Dade county inspectors.
Just looked at Square D's site, and it looks like they have one that might work on a Siemens breaker, did not see any listing though even for use on Square D's equipment
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