I did something to my NEC on CD........

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Senior Member
OK, I'm lost, frustrated and about to go into PO-Mode!

Up until a few days ago, my e-NEC looked like this when I launched it:


Now, it looks like this:


I get a bunch of Checkboxes down the left pane, and a bunch of Tabs along the bottom.

I can still 'Search', but I don't get the list of 'Hits' like I used to (this, taken as a screen shot when I first got it a couple years ago: )


Nor can I use the "Next Hit' and 'Previous Hit' buttons.... so "Searching" is pretty much useless. :mad:

What'd I do to it? I've tried all sorts of Options and Settings and Gears and Gizmos and Views and Help and Layout and Tools.......... nada.

Any ideas?
Mine (the handbook version) is like your second screen, but I have an additional bar on the bottom with next and previous hit buttons. The check boxes let you limit the search to a chapter or article.
....... The check boxes let you limit the search to a chapter or article.

Not with this arrangement. The Search function simply highlights every Hit...... you can't even jump from one to the next (or last). I can only scroll page by page looking for highlighted text. :mad:
Tools->Options->General->Infobase view tabs

OK, that got rid of the tabs along the bottom, but I still cannot use the Search the way I have.

I was able to enter a word or phrase, and every instance was listed along the left. I could open a particular chapter, then article, then section.

So if I searched for the phrase "attachment plugs", I would see there are 74 Hits, and where each one would be. I don't have that at all. It simply takes me to the first instance, then I must scroll page by page searching for the next highlighted text.
OK, that got rid of the tabs along the bottom, but I still cannot use the Search the way I have.

I was able to enter a word or phrase, and every instance was listed along the left. I could open a particular chapter, then article, then section.

So if I searched for the phrase "attachment plugs", I would see there are 74 Hits, and where each one would be. I don't have that at all. It simply takes me to the first instance, then I must scroll page by page searching for the next highlighted text.
One of those tabs on the bottom was "Hitlist". It sounds like it is the tab you want to be on.
That didn't do a thing.
Not sure why clicking on the tabs don't work. It should take you to different views of the Infobase.

The "old days" shot sounded like the "Browse" tab. I don't know why your default screen settings changed unless FolioViews downloaded some kind of update or you accidently pressed some hot-key combination.
Did folio views update on you without you knowing - it may be reading differently - I would play around in that....

FYI all those tabs down the bottom ar always there - and act in layers - it's been a while since I used folio - but I know you can close that and resize the area at the bottom.
Did folio views update on you without you knowing - it may be reading differently - I would play around in that....

FYI all those tabs down the bottom ar always there - and act in layers - it's been a while since I used folio - but I know you can close that and resize the area at the bottom.

I never got any pop-up to indicate it had updated.

I can resize the window at the bottom, but the tabs are always there.

Not sure why clicking on the tabs don't work. It should take you to different views of the Infobase.

The "old days" shot sounded like the "Browse" tab. I don't know why your default screen settings changed unless FolioViews downloaded some kind of update or you accidently pressed some hot-key combination.

That's what I'm thinking........... I hit some key combo. But the 'old days' screen shot is the way it was first installed and that's what I'm used to. I just hate learning new software.

Not to state the obvious- there is a help button at the top menu. Did you check there for an answer?

OK, so what do I search Help for?

"How do I get this back to the way it was last week?"

"I pushed the wrong button...... which one was it?"

"The guys at Mikes' are no help, so you're my last resort!"
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OK, so what do I search Help for?

"How do I get this back to the way it was last week?"

"I pushed the wrong button...... which one was it?"

"The guys at Mikes' are no help, so you're my last resort!"


Come on Ken, you are a Google Jedi, you can figure out how to phrase a query. :cool:

How about 'appearance'?
That's funny though, ran into that same quandary in the field a couple weeks ago. For the life of me, I couldn't get this phone jack in this old house to work, finally got it going and called in to let my boss know I was moving on.

I told him about the problem, and he said, "You should have called me, I've run into that before." What was I going to say? What is wrong with this phone jack, it should be working but it's not, and that's all I know? :D
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