I am a licensed journeyman and in the electrical industry for 37 years. I was recently on a job and received a citation for removing the panel cover (but not the dead front cover) on a 480v 3 phase panel. We were in a trouble shooting mode tracing some conductors that we believed were no longer in use. The panel was the MDP and did not have a main breaker (six breakers max). The inspector said somebody could reach their fingers around the dead front and come in contact with the breakers or bus. I had to have the power company pull the fuses at the pole on primary and shut down the whole plant in order to reinstall the cover. The inspector also had a problem with the adjacent trough cover I had removed. There were no exposed terminals just insulated conductors passing thru. How is this any different than removing an LB cover or open conductors on a cable tray? The way I see it we put a linesman's safety in jeopardy pulling the fuses and plant employees in the dark, during the outage. Don't you think we have gone a little to far when we have to shutdown a plant and call the power company in order to remove a panel cover? I am very safety consciences, but after 37 years I should be qualified to remove and reinstall a panel cover. Just wanted some thoughts.