Metal container

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I do have a customer who heed to set up a small repair shop from the metal container.
He wants to install a compressor and few 110 V general outlets and some lights.
The container is feed from adjacent building with some branch circuits ( no panel inside the container).
My question: Does the container needs to be bounded to the electrical circuits?
does the container need to be grounded to his own grounding rod?
First problem, multiple branch circuits to a separate building or structure are a violation. 225.30

You need to put a panel in the container and run a feeder to the panel.

Then you will have to install a grounding electrode or two. 250.32(A)

You will also have to have a service rated disconnecting means. 225.36
what if the panel have less than 6 circuits does it have to be service disconnect with the ground rod?

Yes, but if you just used a main breaker load center you would be all set.

You really need to read 225.30 - 225.39 and 250.32, those few sections spell it all out.
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