Is it really that bad?

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Until the idiots steal the few feet exposed and cut it short.

Happens a lot when building new wally worlds, they have been using uffers for as long as I can remember, one for each transformer, another one or two for the gear. When they used to hang the transformers, you would have about 25-30' sticking out of the slab begging to be stolen!
Stealing Copper

Stealing Copper

I went on a cell tower site the other day and noticed all the exposed wire was painted gray. When I asked what was going on they said people wouldn't steal it if it didn't look like copper. They said it is now standard procedure to minimize theft. Gotta love it.
Just try to find something they won't steal. Around here I herd they were stealing man hole covers. Who would have thunk it????:-?
While back - Someone driving a 'Pest control truck' stole one down the street... Had his roof top flashers on 'looking official' and was out in the middle of the road... I heard the familiar clink of 'man-hole'. Then drove off - I thought it was suspicious and walked down there in my bath robe - man hole cover missing - right in the middle of the road....

I called the cops... ( I got the company name but not the license number - so they could not pin it on a specific employee - company says it 'sold trucks' so maybe it wasn't theirs anymore.) Who stuck a few cones around it for two days until it got replaced. But if someone hit that driving.... :mad:
Not ground wire, but thieves got in the attic after sheetrock and cut every wire at the top of the studs.

I had a project where someone went thru a whole floor (=/- 20 apt) and cut all the wires in the panel at the connector (which was an MC job so all MC had to be replaced). I could even understand that, because was pretty easy to just snip around the connectors. But it still doesn't compare to this job as far as what they got from it.
Have you had Roseman yet? If not BE READY for some action....

I want to end on a good note with SF.:grin: Our shop rarely does work in SF, so hopefully they will keep me out of there for a while. Lately, Ive been working mostly in the san jose area.

These posts sound like New York City in the '70s-- Haven't seen that
stuff around here lately, knock on wood !
One of our southern suburbs of Chicago,

Saw employees at a school running wires fron the top of one light pole to another, around the building, and into the building.

They explained:

Every time they ran new wires in the underground conduit from pole to pole, it was stolen:

at night,

while powered!

Some addictions are a bear!

Gary Grizzle
who ever installed the 1/0 ground must have worked in iraq they tell us to do that here .it is funny to see the wire bigger than the ground rod it is connected to.and how hard they had to work to get it under the acorn only needs to be a #6.
No sarcasm intended, but, have you installed a service ABOVE 200A?
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