What is your Favorite speciality electrical tool/gadget

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That picture of Al in the trench has me concerned. That trench is deep and it looks pretty sandy. I am surprised that there is no trench bracing for something that deep. He could of found himself in a world of trouble there with all that material piled up on the sides. Looks a little unsafe.
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There is a better picture from a different angle of that CT cabinet on another thread that shows no green tape on the "A" phase. (NEC "CT's in Residential") Maybe the tape was removed for the other picture?!?:D Back in the day when I used to do commercial services, I always marked the phases coming through the CT cabinet. How are the CTs going to know what's what?:D
That picture of Al in the trench has me concerned. That trench is deep and it looks pretty sandy. I am surprised that there is no trench bracing for something that deep. He could of found himself in a world of trouble there with all that material piled up on the sides. Looks a little unsafe.
Funny; that was brought up and discussed the first time that pic appeared.
What amazes me is, I have owned and run many back hoes, and every time there is some kind of evidence that a back hoe was used, like bucket marks, teeth marks, something, but nowhere in that photo do I see where one was used?:confused: unless it was covered up, I can't imagine digging that big of a hole by hand, All I can say is WOW if one wasn't used.

And if it was dug by hand, and a box was used, it would have been fun trying to throw the sand over the top of the box, shoveled my share of Florida white sugar sand, one shovel out two shovels fall back in.:grin:
That picture of Al in the trench has me concerned.

Yeah, we have revised our underground methods since then.

What amazes me is, I have owned and run many back hoes, and every time there is some kind of evidence that a back hoe was used, like bucket marks, teeth marks, something, but nowhere in that photo do I see where one was used?

Look at the top of this photo.


He right I think, I downloaded the photo from photo bucket and zoomed in on the bottom conductors making up phase "A" and the right one seems clear that it has green tape on it, the one next to it is kind of blury so hard to tell?

Probably why that blew up when we lit the fuse.:grin: I can assure you the blacks are black and the greens are green, just a bad picture, that service is still humming along.
I'll have to add, ('cause no-one else mentioned it), is the fact of having a very LARGE array of test leads and accessories for them. So many times I have been on a job when I didn't have my lead/accessory bag and needed a certain type I didn't have. Keep in mind I've mainly done industrial machine maintenance, so I've needed just about anything imaginable.

That's my vote;):)

Now you're just bragging.


Well I'm bustin my behind to get this guy a raise and its falling on deaf ears. If every one had an Al the world would be a better place.

They will realize his value when he's gone. From what I gather I agree 100%


For new Forum members, this is Al. Indispensable IMO. Guys got mad skills.

I am not into most tool threads, but I decided to read this on a lark (I am bored). Denying monetary advancement to a productive and valued employee is fiscally irresponsible. They will leave and you will lose more in the long run.

I am not an EC nor am I in management, so I ran this thread by my boss and he says your employer is a fool.
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A PVC "Cannon"

A PVC "Cannon"

Way back when I was a grunt, my favorite tool was a propane fired, oil filled PVC pipe heater we called the "cannon". Not sure who made it and I haven't seen one in years. I think it was green, so it may have been Greenlee. When doing condo slab work we could stick a bundle of 1/2" or 3/4" PVC conduit in the tank, let it sit for 20-30 seconds and pull it out and bend 10-90 degree stub ups in less than a minute, using a wet rag of course. You could bend larger pipe in the same amount of time, just couldn't put as many sticks in the heater at once.
Dumb question, does that giant disconnect have fuses in it?

**Nevermind, I just saw a close up of this pic in another thread**
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I can't believe I worked in the trade this long before I ponied up ~$35 for the Ideal brand (live) circuit finder. No, it does not do 277V, but it has created great emotion in me to find a circuit in a big store like WalMart and turn the circuit off versus working it hot. I've been doing it hot for way too long.

In the last couple of years, I have been fortunate to pick up a nice assortment of cordless tools, (2) 1/2 to 2 ratchet KO sets, ratchet cutter, rotatable die up to 4/0 crimper, Harbor Freight hammerdrill, (2) ampclamps, and (most recently) the economy Extech megger.

But the little circuit breaker finder wins my heart. The customers are usually impressed too.

What model is it? I have yet to find one I liked/trusted?????
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