diffrence between ct and toroid

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what is the diffrence between ct and toroid
A CT is a current transformer, which is used to sense or measure current without the actual load's current itself having to pass through the meter.

The CT sends a representational current through the meter, which reads the actual current because the CT and meter are designed to work together.

A toroid, or torus, is a doughnut-shaped transformer core, which is much more efficient at magnetic coupling than the standard laminated-iron type of core.

They're especially efficient at higher frequencies, and allow less magnetic leakage out of the core, so more of the primary energy is coupled to the secondary.

A CT may or may not use a toroid core.
A toroid has its windings evenly spaced around its circumference, this helps with its accuracy especially when the 'primary' is not centered in the opening.

Simply looking at the shape of the device is not sufficient to decide if it is actually a toroidially wound CT or not.
what is the diffrence between ct and toroid

A current transformer is basically a toroid transformer. A toroid transformer is constructed with a hollow core similar to a doughnut.

See below picture please

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