Opinions we all have them

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I did a relocate of just the meter/CT's on a 800 amp service a few years back, major office building with 24/7 staff phone lines and computers, servers and many things that they could not afford being down such as their web site.

We used a company call Service Pro or something like that who will supply generators in an emergency of a large power outage, they met me on site with most equipment on UPS we temporary shut down the service they hooked up a 350kw trailer mounted generator to power the existing MDP, and had power (temp) on in less then 10 minutes, then we did tear out and re installed the CT cabinet and feeds in the new location with everything ready to go, with POCO on site, the generator company shut down and disconnected the generator, and we landed our new feeds and POCO resupplied the new service longest outage was 30min.

of course this was only relocating the metering and SEC's from it, and took two days, so the generators had to be maintained for the whole time. and luckily the main service disconnect and MDP was inside the building and not in the area they were tearing out to add on to the building.

They also decided it was a good time to upgrade to a whole building generator back up system after they saw how well this trailer generator handled the load.
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Looking to get an opinion on something - going to show someone else - so answer honestly....

Underground service, apparently office full of people working - service conduit and meter relocation - live - no disconnect - 4 hours....

What say you? Honestly....

An Estimator put this on a schedule for tomorrow - I'm yet to see it - but if you heard this over the phone what would you say?

(Paralleling a temp feeder to the main to keep the office going - then demo existing - reconnect new - live)

I hope you will post pictures of this folly. :D
Looking to get an opinion on something - going to show someone else - so answer honestly....

Underground service, apparently office full of people working - service conduit and meter relocation - live - no disconnect - 4 hours....

What say you? Honestly....

An Estimator put this on a schedule for tomorrow - I'm yet to see it - but if you heard this over the phone what would you say?

(Paralleling a temp feeder to the main to keep the office going - then demo existing - reconnect new - live)

I really don't see it happening in 4 hours.

Are you digging a new trench?

You'll have access to the pull box?

Sidewalk in the way?
Anyone know where I can get good arc flash/blast videos?

Not willing to make my own - told the Estimator I want to see it - sent pics but IPA type issues hold me back from posting - may be I'll make a sketch up....
A resi panel change usually takes a minimum of 3 hours. The linemen take anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes to reconnect after arriving and inspecting after we are done. So, you are down to 3? hours there. I think someone is blowing smoke up your aft.

Then me thinks . . . it's one thing to disconnect and reconnect something live and another to do it under load.
Maybe the estimator means 4 hours with 1,000 electricians. Like those house blitzes where 200 guys build a whole house in 3 hours.

A resi panel change usually takes a minimum of 3 hours. The linemen take anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes to reconnect after arriving and inspecting after we are done. So, you are down to 3? hours there. I think someone is blowing smoke up your aft.

Then me thinks . . . it's one thing to disconnect and reconnect something live and another to do it under load.

I've always scheduled all day for a service change, probably never had one take more than 5 hours, but those were resi too. I always wanted to cover my self for the unexpected on a commercial, I would just tell the owner to give everyone the day off or do it on a weekend.

Even when I do I change or upgrade I tell the customer to plan for all day unless special provisions can be made. I have been done with the work by 11 am and not got power back until evening because linemen has been called out on outages.
Looking to get an opinion on something - going to show someone else - so answer honestly....

Underground service, apparently office full of people working - service conduit and meter relocation - live - no disconnect - 4 hours....

What say you? Honestly....

An Estimator put this on a schedule for tomorrow - I'm yet to see it - but if you heard this over the phone what would you say?

(Paralleling a temp feeder to the main to keep the office going - then demo existing - reconnect new - live)

I have done a lot of work live. Most of it foolishly. None of it has ever been necessary but I convince myself it is more convenient on the customer. I certainly am not going to let an estimator make that decision for me. IMO, changing a service live for the sake of an office is a bad idea. Set everything up with EI and POCO to expedite the job and ask the office workers to make plans accordingly.
One wrong move and metal will be atomizing at an alarming rate. So not worth it, and with the clock ticking to finish it in 4 hours? It sort of sounds like a race with death.
I have waited more than 4 hrs for the poco to come back to re-connect, let alone the time it took to rebuild the service. Maybe thats why he wants it done hot. He claims to have done it in 4 hrs all the time, hope that means he'll be there with tools strapped on ready to prove it.
Looking to get an opinion on something - going to show someone else - so answer honestly....

Underground service, apparently office full of people working - service conduit and meter relocation - live - no disconnect - 4 hours....

What say you? Honestly....

An Estimator put this on a schedule for tomorrow - I'm yet to see it - but if you heard this over the phone what would you say?

(Paralleling a temp feeder to the main to keep the office going - then demo existing - reconnect new - live)


I have done underground fed residential service upgrades hot, but how
are you gonna move it hot?

Last one I did hot, I had it all prepped beforehand, and all we had to do was
Unhook, pull the old panel and service riser off, slide the new one over the
Conductors..... Etc..

I was doing it with a guy I have worked with for 20 years, and we know
Each others work habits... It was 5 hours for the two of us, and the prep
Comes to 6 more.... So, 16 hours total

Seem like a lot? Hurry and screw it up, and the burn ward will take way longer......

Would I do it again?

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